
yù gǎn
  • forebode;have a premonition;premonition;presentiment;have a hunch;presentment;presage;hunch
预感 [yù gǎn]
  • (1) [have a hunch]∶预先感觉

  • (2) [premonition;presetment]∶事先感觉到的

预感[yù gǎn]
  1. 如果我的预感不错的话,除去上天的仁慈,没有什么力量,无论是通过讲出来的语言或是任何形式的标志,能够揭示可能埋在一个人心里的秘密。

    Can be , if I forebode aright , no power , short of the Divine mercy , to disclose , whether by uttered words , or by type or emblem , the secrets that may be buried with a human heart .

  2. 我有暴风雨要来的预感。

    I have a premonition that there will be a storm .

  3. 我有一种极糟糕的预感:他会尾随我。

    I had a nasty feeling that he would follow me .

  4. 他有一种将再也见不到她的预感。

    He had a premonition that he would never see her again .

  5. 他从她的脸上看出,自己不祥的预感是正确的。

    He knew from her face that his forebodings had been justified .

  6. 我有个不祥的预感:我们迷路了。

    I had a nasty feeling that we were lost .

  7. 到那时,队员已经预感到即将获胜了。

    By then , the team was scenting victory .

  8. 她预感到这会是坏消息。

    She had a sense of foreboding that the news would be bad .

  9. 我有预感你会回来。

    I had a hunch you 'd be back .

  10. 她预感到厄运已经逼近。

    She had a sense of impending doom .

  11. 这封信使他充满了不祥的预感。

    The letter filled him with foreboding .

  12. 我预感他会给我带来危险。

    I had a presentiment that he represented a danger to me

  13. 他的胜利因为一种令人不安的不祥预感蒙上了阴影。

    His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding .

  14. 我有预感和苏珊共事会很融洽。

    I had a hunch that Susan and I would work well together

  15. 来自宾夕法尼亚州和纽约州的共和党人预感到胜利在望。

    Republicans from Pennsylvania and New York are scenting victory .

  16. 他有一种强烈的预感,觉得自己会死。

    He had an unshakable premonition that he would die .

  17. 他对音乐几乎一窍不通,却预感到它将会大受欢迎。

    He knew virtually nothing about music but he could smell a hit .

  18. 他预感会有灾难降临。

    He had a presentiment of disaster .

  19. 他在兴奋的同时又夹杂着一种不祥的预感。

    Foreboding mingled with his excitement .

  20. 那海员的妻子预感到他将一去不复返。

    The sailor 's wife had a foreboding that he would not return .

  21. 他有一种预感,似乎她会打电话给他。

    He had a kind of feeling that she would phone him .

  22. 暗蓝色可能是预感,或指示着担忧或恐惧。

    Dark blues may be foreboding , or an indication of worry or fear .

  23. 克廷设计了一个实验来验证他的预感。

    Cutting designed an experiment to test his hunch .

  24. 则是应和了很多美国人的种种担心,他对各方未来的预感显然是不令人振奋的

    His presentiments of what the future holds for all are plainly not cheering .

  25. 第一件让我奇怪的事情是阁楼的门被钉死了,而且不是用的几个小钉子,而是十二根很长的,让人有一种不祥的预感。看起来房子先前的主人是想阻止什么人进去,或是出来…

    The first thing I noticed that was odd was that it had been nailed shut . Not just with a few nails but about twelve long ominous3 ones … The former occupant was either attempting to stop someone getting in … . Or out .

  26. 我有预感那个PaulYoung是这整个谜团的关键.

    I just have a feeling thatPaul Young is in the middle of all of this .

  27. n.预感;预觉索皮跟随着那人,却有预感幸运将再次与他背道而驰。

    presentiment Soapy followed the man with a presentiment that luck would again run against him .

  28. 如果您预感到XPath与PHP的使用将会十分复杂,那么这个规范是一个很可靠的参考资源。

    If you anticipate complex use of XPath with PHP , this specification is a reliable point of reference .

  29. 迈克尔•刘易斯(MichaelLewis)在《大空头》(TheBigShort)一书中描写道,2007年他们飞往拉斯维加斯参加一场浮华的次贷会议,那段经历使他们确信自己对次贷危机即将来临的预感是正确的。

    Michael Lewis , who wrote about them in The Big Short , described how they confirmed their hunch about the looming mortgage crisis in 2007 by flying to a glitzy subprime conference in Las Vegas .

  30. 左箱顺流或顺流,预感触媒O2S短路到电压

    Left Bank Downstream or Downstream and Pre-Catalyst O2S Shorted to Voltage