
xué bù huì
  • be unable to learn how to do sth.
  1. 温斯顿怎么也学不会看路标。

    Winston could not have read the road signs to save his life .

  2. 我就不信学不会。

    I simply wouldn 't believe that I couldn 't learn it well .

  3. 我们俩永远学不会爱之歌,

    We never could learn love 's song ,

  4. Ellery和Bowen说,Tom很快就学会怎样快速地爬过栅栏,证明这只猫咪还是很聪明的,狗是永远学不会的。

    According to Ellery and Bowen , Tom learned how to use to staircase quickly which proves that cats are intelligent – a dog would never figure it out .

  5. 而老幺则什么也学不会。

    But the youngest brother could not learn anything at all .

  6. 我就不信我学不会这项技术。

    I just don 't believe the technique is beyond me .

  7. 他天生低能,学不会讲话。

    He was born subnormal and will never learn to speak .

  8. 我放弃了!我就是学不会法语!

    I give up ! I simply can 't learn French !

  9. 我学不会如何对人述说自己的感觉。

    I will not learn how to describe their feelings were .

  10. 面对太多陌生面孔,学不会浅笑。

    Facing much unfamiliar faces , learn can 't smile .

  11. 我所能做到的你是学不会的。

    What I can do , you can 't learn .

  12. 但就算你学不会,生活照样会推着你转。

    If not , life will just continue to push you around .

  13. 你说,我仍然学不会如何爱。

    You say , I still can 't learn how to love .

  14. 这么简单的动作你都学不会。

    You can 't even master the easiest of movement .

  15. 可是,我却学不会对你的遗忘。

    However , I can 't learn to forget you .

  16. 没有离开过家,就永远都学不会成长。

    However , you will never know if you don 't go !

  17. 你还会发现代数和几何若是不听课也学不会。

    And you 'll find algebra and geometry almost hopeless with instruction .

  18. 我是唯一学不会个中窍门的!

    I 'm the only one who can 't master this trick !

  19. 我永远都学不会做煎蛋的窍门。

    I 'll never get the trick of cooking omelettes .

  20. 学不会的话,那我就要解雇你。

    If you can 't , I may have to fire you .

  21. 害怕跌碎的心永远学不会跳舞。

    It 's the heart , afraid of breading .

  22. 但是如果你从未有过独自旅行的经历,你永远也学不会。

    But youll never learn that if you dont travel once by yourself .

  23. 她永远学不会侍候进餐。

    She will never learn to wait on table .

  24. 她担心自己学不会,又担心自己手脚慢。

    She would not know how , she would not be quick enough .

  25. 我想我永远也学不会跳舞了。

    A : I think I can never hope to learn to dance .

  26. 可是凭手册学习,你学不会作战的。

    Yet you don 't learn to wage war by studying a manual .

  27. 因为溺水的人是学不会游泳的。

    Because a drowning man cannot learn to swim .

  28. 他怎么也学不会法语,可是老师仍锲而不舍地帮助他。

    He was hopeless at French , but his teacher persevered with him .

  29. 老鸭学不会新把戏。

    You cannot teach an old duck new tricks .

  30. 我怕的是永远也学不会了。

    And I 'm afraid I 'll never learn .