
  • 网络school adjustment;school adaption;college adjustment
  1. 大学生的学校适应存在专业差异:文史类学生的整体适应情况显著好于理工类学生。

    The school adjustment of college student have differences in major .

  2. 城乡青少年的学校适应研究

    On Adolescents ' School Adjustment in Urban and Rural China

  3. 智力落后学生学校适应行为研究

    Research on the School Adaptive Behaviors of Students with Mental Retardation

  4. 学校适应不良是个客观存在的亟待解决的现实问题。

    School maladjustment is an objective reality to be settled urgently .

  5. 科学构建完整的教师职业技能考核体系&对师范专科学校适应教师专业化发展改革的思考

    Scientifically Establish a Whole Professional Technical Ability Examination System for Teachers

  6. 高一学生学校适应与教师领导行为关系之初探

    The relationship between Students ' School Adaptation and Teacher Leader Behavior

  7. 对中学生的人格建构与学校适应的相关分析

    The Relations Between Personal Construction And School Adjustment in Adolescents

  8. 学校适应的性别差异总体上不显著。

    College adjustment shows no significant sex differences . 8 .

  9. 听障大学生的学校适应受其身份认同类型的影响。

    The identity type of hearing-impaired college students affected their school adaption .

  10. 创建这些学校适应了那些需要。

    Institution of such schools was geared to these needs .

  11. 大学新生依恋、情绪智力及学校适应的相关研究

    The Relationships among Attachment , Emotional Intelligence and Adjustment of College Freshmen

  12. 那么,你对新学校适应吗?

    So , you 're okay with the new school ?

  13. 班级环境类型越好,学生学校适应越好;

    The better the class environments were , the better the students'school adjustment .

  14. 女生学校适应的总体状况比男生好。

    School adaptation of girls is better than boys .

  15. 完美主义和学业自我妨碍都可能对学校适应产生影响。

    Perfectionism and academic self-handicapping may impact school adaptation .

  16. 她在她的新学校适应得很好。

    She fits in well in the new school .

  17. 青少年情绪调节:结构、影响因素及对学校适应的意义

    Adolescent Emotion Regulation : Structure , Influencing Factors and Implication for School Adaptation

  18. 农村寄宿小学生学校适应问题及对策研究

    Research on the Rural Boarding School Students of School Adjustment Problems and Strategies

  19. 农村寄宿制小学学生学校适应状况研究

    A Study of Students ' School Adaptation Situation in Rural Boarding Primary School

  20. 义乌市外来建设者子女的学校适应研究

    A Study on School Adjustment for the External Builder 's Children in Yi Wu

  21. 中等职业学校适应需求教学模式的构建及案例分析

    The Construction and Analysis of Teaching Pattern of Meeting Needs in Secondary Vocational Schools

  22. 中学生的学业社会比较与其学校适应的关系研究

    Relationship Study of Middle School Student 's School Adaptation and Their Academic Social Comparison

  23. 2农村儿童青少年学校适应存在着显著的性别、独生/非独生差异。

    There were significant gender differences on rural children and adolescents ' school adjustment .

  24. 亲社会倾向对大中小学生的学校适应有显著的预测作用,但对大学生的预测力较小。

    Prosocial Tendencies could predict students ' school adaptation , but less predict undergraduate .

  25. 学校适应是评价学生心理健康状况的一个重要指标。

    School adaptation is an important indicator to evaluate mental health condition of students .

  26. 开展专门针对听障大学生学校适应的指导和训练。

    Carry out specialized guidance and training of school adaption for the hearing-impaired college students .

  27. 大学生的学校适应及其与成人依恋的关系研究

    The Study on the Relationship between School Adaptation of College Students and Their Adult Attachment

  28. 儿童学校适应的分类及判定

    The Classification and Discriminate of School Adjustment

  29. 同伴团体不仅在成员构成还是在学校适应的团体特征上具有中等程度的稳定性;

    Longitudinal analyses indicated that peer groups were moderately stable over the2 years of period .

  30. 同学关系这一变量的班级效果最为明显,可以明显地增强儿童问题行为与学校适应间的负向联系;

    Student relationship reinforced the negative relations of aggression and withdrawal to school adjustment variables ;