
  • 网络Want You To Smile
  1. 是一个愚蠢的想法,我想你会笑我的。

    A silly thought . I expect you 'll laugh .

  2. 我就想看你笑一个。

    I just want to see one smile from you .

  3. 喔,我想看看你笑。

    Wow , I 'd love to see your laugh .

  4. 抱歉本想逗你笑的

    Sorry for trying to make you laugh .

  5. 有时候只想看到你笑,笑得没有其他,笑的时候只有你自己。

    Sometimes just want to see you laugh , smile no other , the only laugh when your own .

  6. "我想你,"爸爸笑着开车走了。

    " I miss you , " Dad smiled and drove off .

  7. 我想知道你是在笑还是在皱眉头。

    I wanna know if you 're smiling or frowning .

  8. 但要让他们想“为什么你还在笑”,这才是真正的伟大。

    Make them wonder why you 're still smiling . That 's true greatness to me .