
  • 网络think of you;I think of you;Is think of you
  1. 想到你一个人苦苦挣扎,我很难过。

    It pains me to think of you struggling all alone .

  2. 小JennyHumphrey,为什么我以前没想到你?

    Blair : Little Jenny Humphrey.Why didn 't I think of you before ?

  3. 我真没有想到你会这样有心计。

    I never realized you could be so calculating .

  4. 啧啧,我没想到你会这样。

    Tut-tut , I expected better of you .

  5. 坦白讲,里斯先生,我没想到你会那样。

    Really , Mr Riss , I expected better of you .

  6. 我怎么也没有想到你生活这么优裕。

    I wouldn 't have expected to find you in such comfortable circumstances .

  7. 我非常抱歉——没有想到你是那样想的。

    I 'm terribly sorry — I had no idea you felt that way .

  8. 我到这儿来就想碰碰运气,没想到你居然真的在家。

    I came out here on the chance of finding you at home after all

  9. 我没有想到你居然会接受那样的挑战。

    I didn 't suppose you 'd take a dare like that .

  10. 我一点儿也没想到你是这个意思。

    It never occurred to me for a moment you meant that .

  11. 我未想到你是当真的,我原以为你是开玩笑的

    I didn 't think you meant that seriously ; I thought you were teasing .

  12. 见到新生宝宝和怀孕妇女,你就会想到你没有孩子,而你一直想要生育一个孩子。

    New babies and pregnant women are constant reminders1 of what you cannot have , but have longed for all your life .

  13. 那个场面就让我想到你。你总是情不自禁地对我紧追不放,就像你和你的董事会同伴斯坦利?戈尔德(StanleyGold)1984年攻击迪斯尼董事会一样。

    That reminded me of you , unable to resist going after me , the same way that you and your fellow director Stanley Gold went after the Disney board in1984 .

  14. 艾拉:想到你今年夏天要在McQuillanland学习一个月,我就感到兴奋。

    Ella : It 's so exciting that you 'll be spending a month studying in McQuillanland this summer .

  15. 名单中的其他作品包括英国作家RosieAlison的《想到你》,《骑绿色自行车的女人》,作者是出生在特立尼达岛的MoniqueRoffey。

    Rounding out the list of finalists are the British writer Rosie Alison for The Very Thought of You , and Monique Roffey , who was born in Trinidad , for The White Woman on the Green Bicycle .

  16. 一想到你行动的后果,我就感到害怕。

    It terrified me to contemplate the consequence of your action .

  17. 轻易就能想到你可以做的。

    Easy to imagine whatever it is you needed to imagine .

  18. 真没有想到你的英语太棒了!

    Do not think your English has been very good really !

  19. 想到你美丽的样子他就会觉得很开心。

    He feels happy when he thinks of your graceful look .

  20. 没想到你在这里玩沙。

    Didn 't expect to find you playing in the sand .

  21. 想到你就想到爱。

    When I think about you , I think about love .

  22. 当然一想到你曾经历的那些

    Of course , when I imagine what you 've endured ...

  23. 我想到你可以留下的办法了。

    I know a way you can stay in new york .

  24. 看日落的斜阳,就想到你。

    When I watch the the sunset close to the horizon .

  25. 但我没想到你居然会

    but I had no idea that you 'd go so far

  26. 你当时就没有想到你也许会失败吗?

    Didn 't it occur to you that you might fail ?

  27. 我从没想到你是在装疯卖傻。

    I never realized there wassuch a method to your madness .

  28. 我没想到你会理解,儿子。

    I didn 't think you would understand , son .

  29. 他没想到你竟会出卖他。

    He didn 't know you should tell on him .

  30. 没想到你起这么早。

    I didn 't think you got up this early .