
  • 网络He didn't know;And he don't know;he didnt know
  1. 史蒂夫显得很迷惑,说他不知道我在说什么。

    Steve looked blank and said he had no idea what I was talking about .

  2. 他不知道他们已经甩掉了追捕者。

    He was unaware that they had shaken off their pursuers .

  3. 在我跟皮特说之前,我宁愿他不知道这件事。

    I 'd sooner he didn 't know till I 've talked to Pete

  4. 他不知道其出处。

    He had no idea of its provenance .

  5. 他不知道11的乘法口诀。

    He didn 't know his eleven-times table

  6. 她仍然沉浸在悲伤中,他不知道如何帮她才好。

    Her grief was still raw and he did not know how to help her .

  7. 凯文在的时候不要提“失败”这个词。他不知道什么叫“失败”。

    Don 't mention failure when Kevin is around . He doesn 't know the meaning of the word .

  8. 他不知道电话是什么时候发明的。

    He didn 't know when the telephone was invented .

  9. 他不知道该如何画狮爪。

    He doesn 't know how to paint a lion 's paw .

  10. 他不知道敲她的门是否恰当。

    He wondered whether it would be proper to knock at her door .

  11. 那时,他不知道如何给她回信。

    He didn 't know how to reply to her letter just then .

  12. 他不知道另一条路线是不是能节省更多的时间,但是他决定冒一下险。

    He was not sure if another route could save him more time , but he decided to chance it .

  13. 他不知道吧?--不,他知道。

    He doesn 't know , does he ? -- Yes , he does .

  14. 他不知道(其中的)利害。

    He does not realize what the consequences will be .

  15. 他不知道因数怎样分解。

    He doesn 't know how to resolute into factors .

  16. 当他的愿望实现时,他不知道有多高兴。

    When his wish was realized , his joy knew no measure .

  17. 他不知道他的朋友是否清楚他已经尽了力。

    He wondered whether his friends grasped that he had done his best .

  18. 他不知道后果的严重性。

    He was blind to the consequences .

  19. 他不知道怎样公平待人,就他而言,做生意就是一场千方百计打败他人的竞赛。

    He doesn 't know how to play fair ; with other fellow by every means possible .

  20. 他不知道食品价格涨到了什么程度,一天的采购使他一下子面对了现实!

    He had no idea how food prices had risen , so a day 's shopping soon brought him down to earth with a bump !

  21. 毫无疑问,他不知道他在说天书。

    No doubt he had not an idea that he was speaking Greek .

  22. 但他不知道如何在学校开一个环保俱乐部。

    But he doesn 't know how to start an Environmental club in school .

  23. 他不知道他爸爸会不会有所不同,但这并不重要。

    He didn 't know whether his dad would be different , but it didn 't matter .

  24. 他不知道如何帮助她,于是向家庭医生打电话咨询。

    Not quite sure how to help her , he called the family doctor to discuss the problem . )

  25. A:我爸爸很有趣。但我认为他不知道他很有趣。

    A : My dad is very funny . But I don 't think he knows he 's very funny .

  26. 弗兰克第一次看到沙漏时很感兴趣,但他不知道它是什么。

    The first time Frank saw an hourglass , he was very much interested , but he did not know what it was .

  27. 他不知道怪物住在这里。

    He did not know that the monster lived there .

  28. 他不知道自己是否还能再忍受这可怕的孤独了。#p#分页标题#e#

    He didn 't know whether he could endure the awful loneliness any more .

  29. 魏王脱口说道:“唉!这个人真固执。他不知道方向错了,条件越好,离开目的地就越远。”

    The King of Wei blurted . He doesn 't realize that if his direction is wrong , the better he is equipped , the farther he would be away from his destination . "

  30. 他不知道是在p7x-377找到的。

    He doesn 't know it was found on p7x-377 .