
  • 【电影】For His Son
  1. 他不愿相信他的儿子沾染毒品。

    He refused to believe his son was involved in drugs .

  2. 工程师和他的儿子经常就技术问题互相征求意见。

    The engineer and his son held frequent consultations concerning technical problems

  3. 他的儿子、兄弟和侄子都是他的左膀右臂,都配备了武器。

    His sons , brother and nephews were his armed sidekicks .

  4. 他的儿子们为家产如何分配而吵得很凶。

    His sons quarrelled bitterly over the allocation of family resources

  5. 他的儿子上了美国的一所顶级大学。

    His son went to a top university in America .

  6. 总统的选定继承人是他的儿子。

    The President 's designated successor is his son .

  7. 这个男人和他的儿子马克曾沿绳索爬下过这些陡峭的悬崖。

    The man and his son Mark had abseiled down the sheer cliffs .

  8. 他想让全世界都知道,他的儿子不是白白死去的。

    He wants the world to know his son did not die in vain .

  9. 他希望他的儿子们能长得像他一样强壮、阳刚而又健美。

    He wanted his sons to become strong , virile , and athletic like himself .

  10. 他的儿子,小阿瑟·奥克斯,有望子承父业继续从事出版。

    His son , Arthur Ochs Junior , is expected to succeed him as publisher .

  11. 他的儿子们采纳了他的建议。

    His sons took his advice .

  12. 他把所有的员工召集到一起,宣布经理不是别人,正是他的儿子。

    He called together all his employees and announced that the manager was none other than his son .

  13. “校长不能见客,”他的儿子应该已经这样告知了一位一大清早就来了的拜访者。

    ' The President cannot be disturbed , ' his son is supposed to have told an early morning caller .

  14. 鲍勃改装了旧汽车,这样他的儿子便能使用。

    Bob adapted his old car so his son could use it .

  15. 他的儿子在越战中阵亡。

    His son was killed in action in Vietnam .

  16. 格林先生退休后,由他的儿子接管他的生意。

    When Mr. Green retired , his son took over the business from him .

  17. 父亲皱起眉头,不让他的儿子说话。

    Father frowned his son down .

  18. 他打算让他的儿子继承他的生意。

    He intended that his son should inherit his business .

  19. 他将他的儿子与隔壁的男孩比较。

    He contrasted his son with the boy next door .

  20. 坚持不懈地努力了十年后,他的儿子终于当选了。

    His son finally got in after ten years'continuous effort .

  21. 皇帝自愿退位,由他的儿子登基。

    The emperor abdicated in favor of his son .

  22. 他疼爱他的儿子。

    He made much of his son .

  23. 有一次,一个国王从他的儿子那里得到了两只漂亮的猎鹰。

    Once a king got two nice falcons from his son .

  24. 他的儿子昨天死于一场交通事故。

    His son died yesterday in a road accident .

  25. 莫奈的朋友,印象派画家皮埃尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿,向他的儿子们讲述了关于克劳德·莫奈和画火车的故事。

    Monet 's friend , Impressionist painter Pierre Auguste Renoir , told the following story to his sons about Claude Monet and painting the trains .

  26. 有个人给他的儿子,一个4岁的男孩讲故事。

    A man was telling a story to his son , a four-year-old boy .

  27. 他的儿子十几岁。

    His son is in his teens .

  28. 有个人带着他的儿子去找牙医给他拔掉一只痛牙。

    A man took his son to have an aching tooth pulled by the dentist .

  29. 一天,阿豺对他的儿子了说:“你们每人给我拿一支箭来。”

    One day A'cai said to them : " Each one of you bring me an arrow . "

  30. 过了一会儿他的儿子回来了,他问儿子:“信寄了吗?”

    After a while2 his son returned3 . The man asked him , " Did4 you mail the letter ? "