
  • 网络my light
  1. 祂是我的光,我的力量,我的诗歌。

    He is my light , my strength , my song .

  2. 所以,快乐吧,你粲然一笑就是我的光。

    So , To be happy , Your beam is my light .

  3. 晦暗,晦暗我的光,更晦暗我的欲望。

    Dark , dark my light , and darker my desire .

  4. 它岩床上,它动摇我的光。

    It rocks my bed ; it shakes my light .

  5. 我的光要用完了

    My light is going out That is it !

  6. 你从这里出去你挡住我的光了

    You need to get out of here . You 're blocking my light .

  7. 我的光在哪?

    Where the hell is my light ?

  8. 别点我的光屁股了!

    Quit clicking on my bare ass !

  9. 有一天,我的光将埋藏。

    One day my light laid wait .

  10. 我的光的朋友们,你们会不去走那光与爱,和平与光荣的道路吗?

    My friends of the Light , will you not walk upon the path of Lightness and Love ;

  11. 诊断结果:断了两根肋骨。他举着我的X光片问道:“看到没有?”我看到了两条裂纹,我猜想那就是摔断的肋骨。

    The diagnosis : two broken ribs . ' See ? ' he said , holding up the film . I saw two gaps , which I guess were the breaks .

  12. 因为照耀我国的光不是普通的光。

    For the light that shone in this country was no ordinary light .

  13. 亲爱救主,我灵的光,有你接近心无黑夜。

    Sun of my soul , Thou Saviour dear , It is not night if Thou be near ;

  14. 我发出的光可能是某年夏天我在铁轨边收集铀管身上残留的辐射光吧

    What you 're seeing is probably radiation from the summer I collected uranium tubes by the train tracks .

  15. 第三章首先对于国外的光污染相关立法的现状进行分析,对我国的光污染立法有着重要的借鉴意义。

    The third chapter first analyzed the status of foreign light pollution legislation China light pollution legislation has an important reference .

  16. 好吧,准备好接受我的性感透视光。

    Okay , well , get ready for my sex-ray vision .

  17. 她是我的生命之光,一个充满热爱的女儿。

    She was the light of my life , an affectionate daughter .

  18. 说明了我国当前的光污染案件判定的依据。

    Of light pollution cases to determine the basis .

  19. 我所爱的光之存有们,这个月提供了惊人的启发机会。

    My Beloved Ones of Light , this month offers breathtaking inspirational opportunities .

  20. 亨伯特:洛丽塔,我的生命之光,我的欲念之火。

    Humbert : Lolita , light of my life , fire of my loins .

  21. 比我快的只有光。

    The only thing faster is light .

  22. 在我最深的光里,为着理解我之宇宙的渴望,我创造了你。

    In my deepest light I created you from my desire to understand my universe .

  23. 京晶:是不是傻?我说的不光是袜子啦!

    Not just for socks , silly !

  24. 祢的十架就是我的,其光照耀我生命里;

    That cross of Thine is also mine , Into my life its light doth shine ;

  25. 谢谢你谢谢你成为我生命中的光,恒久不灭,令人欣喜。

    Thank you Thank you for being such a steady and joyful light in my life .

  26. 我的发现显示光的干涉条纹也由这种运动光子产生的万有引力引起。

    Meanwhile my discovery indicated that light interference fringes are produced by the gravitation which is created by moving photons .

  27. 这只小狗是我的生命之光这很奇怪,因为我并没有多少知己。

    It 's kind of strange but this little dog is the light of my life , because I don 't have very many close friends .

  28. 本文工作为研制我国的多层光网络联合选路与资源优化算法提供了良好的前期技术基础。

    The work made in this dissertation provides a good technical pre-basis for developing joint routing and resource optimization algorithm in multilayer optical networks of our country .

  29. 她在我家就呆得越久,吃光我的东西用光我的水

    The longer it takes for her payment , the longer she 'll be staying with me . Eating me out of house and home . Using up my hot water .

  30. 他甚至都没有时间发出呻吟声;他双眼紧闭,甚至都看不见剃刀划过时发出的光芒或映在我眼中的刀光。

    He would not even have time to moan , and with his eyes shut he would not even see the shine of the razor or the gleam in my eye .