
  • 网络I'm the Boss;I'm a boss;I am the boss;i'm boss;I am Boss
  1. 我是老板,我做主。

    I am the boss , so I call the shots .

  2. 但他得认识到,我是老板!

    But , he has to learn , I am the boss !

  3. 马上回短信,因为我是老板。

    Texted right back , ' cause I 'm the boss .

  4. 卡特和我是老板,我是老板。

    Carter and I run things . I run things .

  5. 我是老板雇用的第二个人。

    I 'm the second employee my boss hired .

  6. 你瞧,那就是为什么我是老板的原因,凯伦。

    You see , that 's why I 'm the boss , kallen .

  7. 所以,现在我是老板的绿色格子店。

    So now I am one of the boss of GREEN lattice shop .

  8. 记住我是老板,我说了算。

    Just remember that I 'm the boss and what I say goes .

  9. 给身边的人下命令会造成“我是老板,你是奴隶”那样的感觉。

    Ordering people around creates a " me boss , you slave " sort of feeling .

  10. 在我家里,我是老板,而我的妻子只是决策者。

    In my house I 'm the boss , my wife is just the decision maker .

  11. 工作时我是老板,但是在家时我太太发号施令。

    I am the boss at work , but my wife calls the shot at home .

  12. 汤姆∶嗯,我是老板,我想我们必须维持意见相左了。

    Tom ︰ Well , I 'm boss and we 'll just have to agree to disagree .

  13. 克里斯:这样啊,我是老板!是这里的老大!

    Chris : Well , I 'm the boss ! I 'm the top dog around here !

  14. 如果我是老板的话,我会雇一个更加有经验、懂得有效率地处理事务的人。

    If I were the boss , I would hire someone who is more experienced and knows how to operate things efficiently .

  15. 换句话说,以“我是老板”的心态看待自己的工作,老板在与下属的讨论中往往表现得自以为是。

    In other words , bosses that view their jobs in terms of " I 'm the boss !" tend to monopolize discussions with their staff .

  16. 就在那天上午的晚些时候,他去了当地一家出售新奇物品的小饰品店,买了一个“我是老板”的标识牌。

    Later that morning he went to a local card and novelty shop and bought a small sign that read , " I 'm the Boss . "

  17. 我哪是老板,我只是个拎包的。

    How can I be the boss ? I 'm only his aide .

  18. 你听到了吗我是你老板

    You hear me ? I am the boss of you !

  19. 你怎么回事?我是你老板。

    What is your problem ? I 'm your boss .

  20. 之我见是老板应该允许他的员工在家工作。

    One solution is that employers should allow employees to work at home .

  21. 我是你老板,你得听我的一切吩咐。

    I am your boss . You have to do everything I say .

  22. 我是她老板,她归我管,懂吗?

    I 'm her boss , and she 's on my team . ok ?

  23. 我是大老板,请坐。

    I am the Big Boss .

  24. 给我的印象是老板的举止古怪。

    It struck me that the boss was behaving prettys strangely .

  25. 我迟到是因为老板把订单忘了。

    I 'm iate because my boss forgot about the order .

  26. 我现在是你老板未来的亲戚了。

    I am your boss 's to be relative now .

  27. 我是受了老板的吩咐来的。

    I 've come at the behest of the boss .

  28. 我是应该跟老板打同情牌呢?

    Should I play the sympathy card with my boss ?

  29. 你记住了,我是你的老板。

    So just remember , am the boss of you .

  30. 我是那种在老板背后说他坏话的人。

    I 'm the person who talks behind the boss 's back .