
shè mén
  • goal;shoot;take a shot
射门 [shè mén]
  • [shoot] 足球、手球、冰球等比赛时把球直接射向对方的球门

射门[shè mén]
  1. 2D仿真组中关于射门方法的研究

    The Study On Shoot Methods In 2D Simulation

  2. 通过研究Markov决策过程与再励学习算法,设计了基于Q学习方法的射门模块。

    Through studying Markov decision-making process and reinforcement learning algorithm , have designed the shoot module based on Q learning method .

  3. 这次射门使守门员鞭长莫及。

    The shot was well beyond the reach of the goalkeeper .

  4. 这确实是一记简单的射门,而我竟然没射进。

    It was a really simple shot , and I muffed it .

  5. 那次近距离的射门被守门员截住了。

    The close-range shot was blocked by the goalkeeper .

  6. 射门被守门员挡出去了。

    The shot was parried by the goalie .

  7. 他本该射门,不该传球。

    He should have shot instead of passing .

  8. 他起脚射门,球被守门员拦住了。

    His shot was blocked by the goalie .

  9. 他就在禁区外边拔脚射门。

    He shot from just outside the area .

  10. 他在下半场令人叹为观止的一脚射门把比分改写为2:0。

    His spectacular strike in the second half made the score 2 – 0 .

  11. 他射门击中球门的横梁。

    His shot hit the bar .

  12. 他4次射门得分,却罚失了1粒点球。

    He scored four of the goals but missed a penalty .

  13. 卢佩斯库在20码处射门得分,接着巴林特将比分扩大为4比0。

    Lupescu scored from 20 yards and then Balint made it 4-0 .

  14. 球砸中他的脑袋,从而让他化解了一次射门。

    He saved one shot when the ball hit him on the head .

  15. 在比赛进行到第21分钟时,他的一记射门击中门柱弹了回来。

    His shot in the 21st minute of the game rebounded from a post

  16. 在最后的几秒钟,甘恩队的守门员凯文·坎特维尔扑出了两次射门。

    In the final seconds , Gunn goalie Kevin Cantwell blocked two shots .

  17. 他只有一次射门得分。

    He had only one shot at goal .

  18. 他一脚弧线球射门成功。

    He curled the ball into the net .

  19. 赖特勉强起脚射门,但是球擦着近门柱有惊无险地偏出了球门。

    Wright managed a shot but it grazed the near post and rolled harmlessly across the goal .

  20. 就在终场哨响前几秒,他伸脚一挡,使射门的球变向飞过了球门横梁。

    He stuck out his boot and deflected the shot over the bar seconds before the final whistle

  21. 在前两场比赛中,她的球队并没有得到很好的射门机会。

    Through the first two games , her team did not get on serious shot on goal .

  22. 他一上场就立马发挥了作用,在第71分钟射门得分。

    He made an immediate1 impact when he scored in the 71st minute .

  23. 这使得纳瓦斯能够证明胜过卡西利亚斯,在C罗早早破门之前,他扑出了西班牙人前锋凯塞多的射门,使西班牙人没能过早领先。

    It has allowed Keylor Navas to prove he can succeed Iker Casillas and his fine save from Felipe Caicedo did prevent Espanyol from taking an early lead before the goals starting flowing at the other end .

  24. 在2010年对德国队的16强比赛中,谁都知道英国人兰帕德(FrankLampard)射门打在横梁上之后球越过了门线。

    In match against Germany in 2010 , everyone knew that Englishman Frank Lampard 's shot off the crossbar crossed the line in the round of 16 .

  25. 进球主要区域是在2区,大禁区外到30m线区域也成为本届世界杯射门进球的重要区域;

    The main area of goals was the 2nd area ; Besides , from the big penalty area to the 30-metre line , it became a main region of goals during this world cup .

  26. 重点研究了在足球环境下对多机器人系统的控制建模技术,尝试了把Petri网理论应用于射门、任务分配以及任务规划;

    The one point of this text is studies on setting up the control model of Multi-Robot System under the robot soccer environment , and discussing the application of Petri-net theories in establishment of the model of soccer shooting , the assigning mission and the programming mission ;

  27. 这位巴塞罗那中场球员接过替补法布雷加斯(CescFabregas)的顺利传球,在116分钟加时赛中越过了荷兰守门员斯特克伦伯格(MaartenStekelenburg),成功射门。

    The Barcelona midfielder collected a sliding pass from Cesc Fabregas and shot the ball past Dutch goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg in the 116th minute of extra time .

  28. 考虑到足球机器人比赛中射门动作的重要性,为了使足球机器人的动作具有准确性,提出了一种基于FLCN(FuzzyLimit-CycleNavigation,即模糊极限环导航)方法的动作控制。

    In order to make the soccer robot 's action precise and consider the importance of shooting action in the soccer robot match , a method of action control based on fuzzy limit-cycle navigation ( FLCN ) is proposed .

  29. 第35分钟曼联终于击败了Cowler,近距离射门他也没办法。

    It took until the35th minute for United to finally beat Cowler , who never looked comfortable under close scrutiny .

  30. 通过对第十三届亚洲杯足球赛32场比赛进攻行动的技、战术统计,分析亚洲球队目前前场30m进攻的整体水平,以及各队在射门和进攻失败方面的情况。

    Through the technical and tactical statistics of attacking action of the 32 matches in the 13th Asian Cup , analysing the Asian soccer teams today overall level of the front half attacking , their shots at goal and attacking faults ?