
  1. 前NBA球员是由射击队在乌干达执行?

    Was a former NBA player executed by firing squad in Uganda ?

  2. 为中国射击队通宵达旦地庆祝一下是值得的。

    It is worth an all night celebration for the Chinese shooting team .

  3. 对业余射击队安排合理化人才结构的探讨

    A Study of Establishing a Rational Talents Structure for An Amateur Shooting Team

  4. 我国优秀运动队组织文化的内容&以国家乒乓球、体操、射击队为例

    Contents of Chinese top sports team culture

  5. 对于整个中国射击队来说,从雅典到北京,同样是逆水行舟。

    The Chinese shooting team as a whole , from Athens to Beijing , is also riding a boat .

  6. 张梦雪是中国国家射击队的一员。她在2016年里约奥运会上为中国代表团赢得了第一枚金牌。

    Zhang Mengxue is a member of China 's national shooting team . She won the country 's first gold medal at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games .

  7. 1982年,他加入了安徽省射击队。两年后,也就是1984年他开始了在国家队的运动员生涯。

    In1982 , Xu enrolled in the provincial shooting team of Anhui , and two years later in1984 , he started his sports career in the national team .

  8. 本研究立足于26届奥运会国家射击队心理服务以及以往一系列以课题服务方式贯穿于其中的心理训练和心理咨询工作。

    Based on data from psychology service for national shooting team in 26th Olympic Game , this study deepen and summarize psychology training and consultation work ago as series of problem-solve service .

  9. 用芬兰产PE3000型心率表及处理器,对青海省射击队17名运动员训练课射击过程中的心率进行了测定。得出:运动等级高的运动员在心理素质、心理水平上比一般运动员有明显优势;

    By PE 3000 Meters and Processor of Heart Rate made by Finland the author tested the heart rate of 17 shoot athletes who were from Qinghai Shooting Team when they were Practising .

  10. 在那一波三折、跌宕起伏的9天里,中国射击队用一幕幕欢笑和泪水谱写了中国射击在奥运史上新的华章。

    In that twists and turns , ups and downs of9 days , the Chinese shooting team scenes with laughter and tears to write the Chinese Olympic shooting in the history of new China chapter .

  11. 根据业余射击队的工作任务及自身特点,阐明业余射击队安排合理化人才结构的重要性,探讨合理化人才结构的特点及其作用。

    The author explains the importance of establishing a rational talents structure for an Amateur shooting team according to its task and its own special feature , and inquires into the characteristics and functions of the rational talents structure .

  12. 这款游戏于1984年发布,玩家需要射击一队(得承认,它们是无害的)野鸭,还有一只会疯狂嘲笑你的狗。

    Released in 1984 , it pits players against an army of ( admittedly harmless ) ducks to shoot - as well as a dog that will taunt you into your grave .