
  • 网络rf transceiver;RF transceivers
  1. 基于单片射频收发器的无线数据采集系统设计

    Design of Wireless Data collection System Based on Single RF Transceiver

  2. 蓝牙通信系统由射频收发器、基带处理器、协议栈组成。

    The Bluetooth core system consists of an RF transceiver , baseband , and protocol stack .

  3. OFDM超宽带射频收发器设计关键问题及单芯片实现

    Research and Design of OFDM UWB Transceiver with Full Chip Implementation

  4. 编队飞行航天器的测量通信一体化系统&射频收发器

    RF Transceiver : An Integrated Sensing and Telecommunications System for Formation Flight Spacecraft

  5. 无线通信的迅猛发展激发了射频收发器设计的热潮。

    The wireless communication revolution has spawned a revival of interest in the design and optimization of radio transceivers .

  6. 而要实现多标准的射频收发器,必然要求设计出相应的多标准功率放大器电路。本文实现了一款双频带可控增益的功率放大器。

    So it needs to design a multi-standard PA for multi-standard transceiver . A dual-band gain-controlled power amplifier is designed in the article .

  7. 它将微带贴片天线和射频收发器集成于一个独立的封装内,并使天线和收发器之间的电磁干扰最小。

    It combines a microstrip patch antenna with an RF transceiver into a single package , and also minimizes the electromagnetic interference between the antenna and transceiver .

  8. 对于多模芯片组,集成电路划分决定了双频带射频收发器集成在单芯片还是双芯片中,以及基带处理器与媒体访问控制器是否集成于单芯片。

    To multi-mode WLAN chipset , IC partition determine the chip number of dual-band transceiver and whether the BBP and MAC can be integrated into one chip .

  9. 随着无线射频收发器硬件成本的降低和相关技术的发展,在一个传感器节点上装配多个射频正在成为可以接受的技术选择,在未来具有广阔的应用前景。

    With the decrease of hardware cost of wireless radio transceivers and the development of technology , equipping each sensor node with multiple radios is becoming acceptable and has a broad prospect of application .

  10. 首先,本文从信号处理的角度系统的描述了MRI射频信号收发器的原理和算法。

    Firstly , the principles and algorithms of MRI signal transceiver were described and designed .

  11. 射频模块,主要是射频收发器,可以采用多种架构,如低中频、超低中频和零中频。

    Radio transceiver is the main part of radio module . Three architecture can be selected in radio design : low IF , very low IF and ZIF .