
  1. 毫米波射电天文观测站选址报告

    Report of Site Selection for A Millimeter Wave Radio Astronomical Station

  2. 从射电天文观测中提取电离层信息的一种统计方法

    A statistical method to extract informations about ionosphere from radio astronomical observations

  3. 中国射电天文观测和研究展望

    Radio astronomy observation and research foreground in China

  4. 利用射电天文观测数据确定电离层行扰速度的新方法

    A new method for determing the velocity of TIDs based on radio astronomical observations

  5. 从射电天文观测数据反演电离层行扰的相速

    An inversion analysis in determining the phase velocity of TIDs based on radio astronomical observation

  6. 空间射电天文观测研究

    A Review on Space Radio Astronomy

  7. 影响射电天文观测的有害干扰

    Harmful Interference in Radioastronomy Observations

  8. 本文讨论了射电天文观测中有重要意义的白高斯噪声量化过程。

    In the present paper the quantization process of white Gauss noise , which is of great significance in radio astronomical observation , is described .

  9. 综述了中国射电天文观测和研究状况,展望射电天文观测和研究的前景。

    The status of radio astronomy observation and research status in China is summarized , and the foreground of radio astronomy observation and research is previewed .

  10. 根据国际电信联盟的相关频率保护规定,通过设立无线电宁静区,保护射电天文观测免受人工信号的干扰。

    Based on the radio regulations of the International Telecommunication Union , the radio quiet zone is being implemented to protect the radio astronomy service from the artificial interference .

  11. 介绍了中国射电天文观测的主要设备,为培养射电天文观测和研究人材提供相关信息。

    Main equipments for radio astronomy observation and research in China is introduced , and the correlation information is offered for bring up astronomers in radio astronomy observation and research .

  12. 本文从理论上推导出射电天文接收机的灵敏度公式,由此估算了射电天文各个波段观测的灵敏度和有害干扰电平的极限值。

    The sensitivity equations of radiometer have been derived theoretically , from which the sensitivities and harmful interference levels for radioastronomy observations in most allocated bands are evaluated .

  13. 射电频谱仪是通过高的频率分辨率和高的时间分辨率,在广泛的频谱范围内和连续的时间演化上进行射电天文观测的仪器,它是射电天文研究的重要方法和主要工具。

    Radio spectrometer is important method and main instrument of radio astronomy research , through which we can research radio astronomy phenomenon in wide frequency spectrum and continuous time with high frequency resolution and high temporal resolution .