
bàn rén mǎ zuò
  • Centaurus
半人马座[bàn rén mǎ zuò]
  1. 由大尺度本动速度场的相关性分析得出,半人马座的三个椭圆星系团可能主导着椭圆星系样品的速度相关函数。

    The correlation analysis on large scale peculiar velocity field shows that three clusters of elliptical galaxies in Centaurus region may dominate the velocity correlation function of elliptical galaxy samples .

  2. 半人马座距离太阳约4光年,是离太阳最近的恒星系。

    At around 4 light-years away , it 's the closest star system to our sun .

  3. 有一颗大小与地球相近的行星围绕着距离太阳最近的恒星——半人马座比邻星运转。

    The nearest star , Proxima Centauri , has a planet orbiting it not much bigger than Earth .

  4. 对于天文学家来说,半人马座欧米茄已久的球状星团之一弃儿。

    Video Discription : For astronomers , Omega Centauri has been an outcast amongst globular clusters for a long time .

  5. 在崇高界委员会的一致同意后,半人马座科学董事会建在半人马星座空间内。

    After unanimous agreement within the Circle of the Empyreal council , The Sagittarius Science Directorate is founded within Centaurus space .

  6. 半人马座的巨大的红色十字架,这说明它的地位作为一个非战斗根据国际法,是灯火通明。

    The Centaur 's huge red crosses , which demonstrated its status as a non-combatant under international law , were brightly lit .

  7. 美国宇航局说,目前有10万,都挤在一个半人马座星团欧米茄一小部分(相对而言)。

    NASA says there are100,000 , all squeezed ( relatively speaking ) into a small portion of the Omega Centauri star cluster .

  8. 除了太阳之外,半人马座a星离地球最近。除星期天外,我每天早上打篮球。

    The star , Alpha Centauri is the closest star besides our sun . Besides Sunday , I play basketball every morning .

  9. 他在北京的腾讯WE大会上发言时,请投资者们资助他前往半人马座α星的太空项目。

    Speaking at the Tencent WE Summit in Beijing , Hawking appealed to investors to back his plans to travel to Alpha Centauri .

  10. 如果我们成功的话,这个飞掠任务将会在发射后二十年左右到达半人马座阿尔发星,并发送回来在那个星系中发现的行星的图片。

    If we aresuccessful , a flyby mission could reach Alpha Centauri about 20 years afterlaunch , and send back images of any planets discovered in the system .

  11. 这种飞船可以在不到一个小时的时间内到达火星,几天内即可到达冥王星,不到一周就能经过“旅行者”号探测器,并可在20多年后到达半人马座α

    Such a system could reach Mars in less than an hour , or reach Pluto in days , pass Voyager in under a week and reach Alpha Centauri in just over 20 years .

  12. 在新闻发布会上,霍金和俄罗斯亿万富翁投资人尤里·米尔纳以及许多科学家一起,对这个全新的太空项目进行详细讲解。该项目计划建造大批微型星际飞船,并将其发射至临近的半人马座阿尔法星。

    At the news conference , Hawking , along with Russian billionaire investor Yuri Milner and a group of scientists , detailed a new project that aims to send a multitude of tiny , wafer-size spaceships into space to the neighboring star system Alpha Centauri .

  13. 环绕着的是内外环行星、柯伊伯带、奥尔特云、半人马座阿尔法星系、英仙座星系、银河系,其它附近星系包括有仙女座星系,还有宇宙网、宇宙微波辐射,以及最边缘大爆炸产生的夸克胶子等离子体。

    the Kuiper belt ; Oort cloud ; Alpha Centauri star ; Perseus Arm ; Milky Way galaxy ; other nearby galaxies including theAndromeda galaxy ; the cosmic web ; cosmic microwave radiation ; and , at the very edges of the image , quark-gluon plasma produced by the Big Bang .