
bàn yuán
  • Semicircle;semi-circle
半圆 [bàn yuán]
  • (1) [semicircle]

  • (2) 从直径的一端到另一端的圆的部分;等于圆周一半的弧。亦称半圆周

  • (3) 被直径分割的圆面积的一半中的任一个

  • (4) 形成半圆或半圆周的一个物体、队形或对象的排列

半圆[bàn yuán]
  1. orchestra是圆形的,就像你们在这里看到的一样,也可以是半圆的。

    The orchestra was either round , as you see here , or a semi-circle .

  2. 最后大家在香槟祝酒和玫瑰花瓣的淋浴下,所有来宾和DWA工作人员对这对新人围成一个半圆,将玫瑰花瓣撒向他们!

    Finally a champagne toast and a rose petal flower shower as we all , both guests and DWA staff form a semi-circle with the couple and shower them with rose petals !

  3. 所有的建筑都有名称,连在一起构成了一个半圆。

    All the buildings have names and form a half circle .

  4. 香奈儿认为,华为的商标设计与自家两个水平互联的半圆标识相似,其商标用于香奈儿的香水、化妆品、饰品、皮革以及服装等产品。

    Chanel said that the design was similar to its registered French logo of two horizontal interlocking semi-circles used for its perfumes , cosmetics , costume jewellery , leather goods and clothing .

  5. 半圆柱壳槽靶的激光等离子体软X射线光谱发射特点的研究

    Investigation of soft X-ray emission characteristics of laser plasma in a half-cylindrical shell target

  6. 半圆槽NC加工时的数据处理方法

    Data processing method for NC machining of hemicycle groove

  7. ISO薄壁轴瓦半圆周长检验模CAD程序系统

    A CAD Programming System for ISO Thin-Wall Bearing Semicircular Perimeter Checkout Model

  8. 本文还对V型和半圆切口根部萌生的短裂纹在循环载荷下进行了弹塑性大应变有限元分析。

    Moreover , elastic plastic large strain finite element analyses for propagation short cracks at notches under cyclic loading have been studied .

  9. 带裂纹的半圆环形曲杆(板)的J积分数值解

    The Numerical Solutions of J Integration for Semi Ring Shaped Curve Bar ( or Plate ) with Cracks

  10. 二维地表相邻多个半圆弧沟谷对SH波的散射

    Scattering of plane SH-waves by multiple circular-arc valleys at the two-dimensional surface of the earth

  11. 发展了Miles定理和Howard半圆定理;得到了有限深度气层的半椭圆定理。

    Improved Miles theorem and Howard 's semicircle theorem , as well as semi ellipse theorem have been established .

  12. 一个V形杆弯曲成半圆状附加在阀体上,在阀门处于全开状态时紧靠阀瓣前部。

    A V-shaped bar bent to a half-circle is attached to the body , close to the front of the disc in full open position .

  13. 而在西方英语文化中,又有哪些代表好运的文化符号呢?在英语文化中,马蹄铁被看做是一种幸运符。它类似于其他文化中与幸运有关的标志,诸如新月、半圆或者是“U”形。

    It resembles the other symbols associated with good fortune in other cultures such as the crescent , half circle or " U. "

  14. 平面SV波入射下半圆凸起地形地表运动解析解

    Surface motion of a semi-cylindrical hill for incident plane SV waves : analytical solution

  15. 在相同条件下,与终端直线式结构相比较,半圆弧式得到的Q值比较高,而且能够激发出更强的电磁场。

    Compared with the linear structure of the end , the semicircle structure has higher quality factor and stronger electromagnetic field in the same condition .

  16. 本文探讨了V形、梯形、半圆槽形和管形断面的换算摩擦系数f与f0的关系。

    This paper discusses the relations between conversion friction coefficient ( f ) of " V " shape , ladder-shape , semicircular and circular sections and ( f_0 ) .

  17. 结论:正常壶腹部低张螺旋CT表现为十二指肠扩张良好,十二指肠乳头显示清楚,正常十二指肠乳头可分为半圆型、乳头型和扁平型。

    Conclusion Hypotonic spiral CT manifestation of normal ampulla shows duodenum is dilated moderately , and duodenal papilla could be seen clearly , and normal duodenal papilla is divided into semicircular , mastoid and compressed .

  18. 高层反气旋流出在150~100hPa层附近,流出主要位于TC北半圆。

    The anticyclone in high yield effuses in about the 150 hPa-100 hPa layer , and the outflow mostly appears in the north half-round of TC .

  19. Spotlight模式合成孔径雷达成像能用沿上半圆曲线积分的层析成像来实现。

    We show that Spotlight mode synthetic aperture radar imaging can be interpreted as a tomographic reconstructing problem along the upper half circular curves .

  20. WAVE-CISK对称不稳定谱点分布的半圆定理

    Semicircle Theorem on the Spectral Distribution in Symmetrical Instability with Wave-Cisk

  21. 部分近表面区域场发射SEM断面图中有多个不连续的白亮富F(约为74%原子分数)小半圆区域,而富F的小半圆亮区之间F含量显著降低(约为4.98%);

    The SEM observations of the cross section of the surface films show that there are some discontinuous small semicircular white spots which contain about 74 % atom fraction in some near surface zone ;

  22. 女性对于连衣裙局部和整体裙型最偏爱的为:较低的领口、半圆袖、中腰、一般腰部松紧、裙长到膝盖、中等裙摆大小以及X型的整体裙型。

    Women most preferences for the part and the whole : the lower semicircle sleeve , collar , waist , waist skirt to the knee , in general , medium skirt size and X whole skirt . 4 .

  23. 结果:1.PRK和LASIK术后角膜地形图形态分为平滑型、半圆型、钥匙孔型,肾型、中央岛型和不规则型6种类型。

    Result : 1 . Corneal topographic patterns were classified as uniform , semicircular , keyhole , kidney , central island and irregularity after PRK and LASIK .

  24. 着重介绍了成型橡胶模的上、下模板的圆锥面及半圆成形槽加工、检测的方法,并简要地叙述了所用R成形刀具的结构和制作。

    The machining and checking method of the conical surface and semicircle slot of the upper template and the lower template of rubber shaping mould are introduced . And the structure and manufacturing method of R shaping tool are briefly described .

  25. 首先分析和仿真了传统DGS单元、半圆型DGS单元和半圆型阶梯阻抗并联枝节的等效电路模型和传输特性。

    The equivalent circuit model and transmission characteristics of traditional DGS unit , semicircle DGS unit and semicircle SISS unit are analyzed and simulated .

  26. 第二步是NbO2得到电子还原为NbO,交流阻抗谱出现第二个响应半圆;

    The second step is the reduction of NbO_2 to NbO , which corresponds to the second impedance semicircle ;

  27. LSGM的阻抗图谱由两个半圆组成,显示出良好的离子电导特性;

    AC impedance spectra show that LSGM has good ionic conductivity .

  28. 在实验参数范围内,两实际叶型表面的Nus比半圆面约高12%;

    For the parameter range studied , the Nusselt number is larger than that of a semi circular surface by 12 % .

  29. 强流入位于TC南半圆400hPa以下,流入大值区在850hPa附近;

    The strong afflux lies in the south half-round of TC below the 400 hPa layer . The maximum zone of afflux occurs in about the 850 hPa layer .

  30. 采用滞弹性近似研究了WAVE-CISK下对称性扰动的谱点分布,得到了WAVE-CISK下对称不稳定扰动谱点分布的半圆定理,用其可估计该对称不稳定增长率的上界。

    The spectral distribution of symmetrical distribution with Wave-CISK under anelastic approximation is studied . The semicircle theorem on the spectral distribution in symmetrical instability with Wave-CISK is obtained . The theorem can estimate the supremum of the growth rate of the instability .