
  • 网络good play
  1. 丹佛害虫控制协会将上演一出好戏。

    Denver pest control association puts on quite a do .

  2. 杰森-你和你儿子真是唱了一出好戏

    Jason . - You and your son make an admirable team .

  3. 当然她也要来受审,威廉姆斯有一出好戏要做呢。

    Of course she 'll be examined , and Williams will do it in style .

  4. 托马斯:我知道你压力很大,不过,你早上的表演很有突破,明天是属于你的,演一出好戏,谁也不用想。

    But you just had a this morning . Tomorrow is yours . Just give a great and you won 't have to worry about Lily or anybody else .

  5. 班克西上演了艺术史上最胆大包天的一出好戏:在自己最著名的一幅画作被拍卖出超100万英镑的价格后,他让这部作品瞬间自毁。

    Banksy has played what could be one of the most audacious stunts in art history , arranging for one of his best-known works to self-destruct after being sold at auction for just over £ 1m .

  6. 这位参演《雷神》的男演员今年35岁,在新剧中衣衫半退和伊丽莎白·德比齐饰演的女主来了一出火辣好戏。

    The Thor actor , 35 , dropped his trousers for a steamy romp with costar Elizabeth Debicki .

  7. 这是一出妙趣横生的好戏。

    It 's a neat and witty play .

  8. 你可以演一出失窃的好戏。

    You could stage a theft .

  9. 他决定要带他的妻子出去吃晚餐,庆祝她的生日,然后再看看能否在最后一刻上演一出“好戏”——把糖果送给他的妻子。

    Mr. Beresford was going to take his wife out to dinner for her birthday , he decided , and was going to see if he could get last-minute tickets to a show , taking his wife candy .

  10. 如果两名被盯上哨的人同时出现在同一地点的附近,而且都保持异常的警惕,那么就算被再蠢的人看到也能猜到他们要上演一出秘密接头的好戏。

    If two people being followed both take this unusual precaution near the same location at the same time , even the most dull-witted watcher may infer that a clandestine meeting is afoot .