
  1. 运用神话学和人类学理论,对壮侗语族射日神话进行文化解读。

    Secondly , I interpret the myths using mythology and anthropology theory .

  2. 后羿射日为什么只留下一个太阳,而不是两个。

    Why did Houyi left one sun but not two after shooting ?

  3. 后羿忙射日,嫦娥偷奔月。

    When Ho busy firing , stealing Goose herself .

  4. “射日奔月”神话是指“羿射九日”和“嫦娥奔月”两则神话。

    Yi Arrowing down Nine Suns and Chang'e Escaping to the Moon Palace are two ancient Chinese fables .

  5. 论文在前述研究的基础上探寻中国壮侗语族射日神话的原型。

    Finally , the paper try to explore the prototype of these Zhuang and Dong myths on the basis of the foregoing study .

  6. 做完射日的准备后,后羿跨进旷野中,拉开神弓,取出神箭,瞄准骄横的太阳射去。

    Ready for battle , Hou Yi strode to the center of the square , drew his bow and arrows , and took aim at the imperious suns .

  7. 羿射日的神话故事,在传世文献、出土文献和考古文物中皆有记载。

    The legend of Yi Shooting the Sun was recorded in many classic works , unearthed literature and archaeological cultural relics , because it is of great significance .

  8. 中国古代流传着许多神话故事,比如后羿射日、夸父逐日都一直为人津津乐道。

    Among the multitude of fairy tales told by the ancient Chinese , there were moving stories like those about " King Yi Shooting Down Nine Suns " and " Kua Fu Chasing the Sun " .