
  • 网络Ray method;SBR;ray-crossing;XRD;ray casting;UD-Ray
  1. 弹跳射线法是目前腔体RCS计算中广泛应用的一种分析其散射场的方法,本文推导了用于求解散射的详细算式。

    SBR is widely-used in RCS computation of cavity scattering .

  2. 射线法在任意形状开口腔体雷达散射特性研究中的应用

    Application of sbr & calculating the RCS of an arbitrary shaped open - ended cavity

  3. 萤光X射线法测定薄膜厚度的新方法

    A new method of thin film thickness measurement by fluoresence X-rays

  4. X射线法测试铍材表层应力沿深度的分布

    Study on Stress in Surface Layer of Beryllium Along Depth Distribution by X-Ray Method

  5. 铍材应力常数的X射线法测试

    Measurement of X-ray Stress Constant of Beryllium

  6. 薄壁圆筒件残余应力沿层深分布的X射线法测试与分析

    Measurment and analyse of residual stress distribution in thin wall cylinder by x ray method

  7. 用X射线法测定焊接残余应力,目前仍处于研究阶段。

    At present the method of measuring residual welding stress with X-ray is still in study .

  8. 提出了X射线法测定铁矿中七个元素的常规方法。

    A X-ray method is described for the routine determination of seven elements in iron concentrates .

  9. 应用穆斯堡尔谱和X射线法研究红壤性水稻土的氧化铁矿物

    Studies on iron oxide mineralogy of paddy soils derived from red earth by using Mossbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction

  10. 首先概述了国内外残余应力测试技术的研究历史与现状,在此基础上,分析了逐层钻孔法、X射线法测量航空铝合金结构件表层残余应力的原理与方法。

    The principles of incremental hole drilling method and X-ray diffraction method were analyzed to measure surface or subsurface residual stresses in engineering components .

  11. 因为总的说来,磁性能的变化易于测量,而且与超声法、X射线法、中子衍射法相比,磁测装置的低成本更能为人接受。

    In general the changes in magnetic properties that are observed are easily measurable and the testing apparatus are cheap compared with Ultrasonic , X-ray and Neutron Diffraction methods .

  12. 本文运用微波等效电路法、惠更斯原理、复射线法、SBR法等光学方法解决阻抗腔体RCS问题。

    The RCS calculation of impedance cavity is resolved by using the equivalent method of microwave circuit , Huygens ′ principle , complex ray and SBR method .

  13. 理论方法是Pao,Ziegler和王贻荪的广义射线法的推广。

    The numerical method used here is the generalized ray method used by Pao , Ziegler and Wang .

  14. 本文针对STL格式的模型数据设计了一种简单的网格划分算法,并且用点射线法判断网格节点是否在模型内部。

    We design an easy meshing algorithm with STL data and using point radial method to decide whether the point is in the model .

  15. 采用蚀坑法、EBSD微取向分析和X射线法等手段,对稀土电解电容器用铝箔制备过程中的织构演变规律进行了研究。

    The evolution rule of the rare earth aluminum capacitor foil preparation process was investigated by means of bit etching , EBSD micro orientation analysis and X-ray method .

  16. 利用广义射线法(GRE)来研究开口腔体的电磁散射问题。

    Generalized ray expansion ( GRE ) method was used to study the problem of electromagnetic scattering by open cavities .

  17. 用电镀工艺在不锈钢基体上镀制了Cu,Ag,Ni膜和Ti基体上制备了Ni膜,并用悬臂梁法和X射线法测量了膜中的残余应力。

    Cu , Ag and the Ni films on stainless steel bases and Ni film on Ti substrates are prepared by using electroplating . The cantilever beam method and X ray diffraction are used to measure the internal stresses in the films .

  18. 介绍了半电波暗室的基本设计方法,并举例介绍了射线法技术,给出了10m法半电波暗室的设计结果。

    The fundamental design method of EMC semi anechoic chamber is explaned . An example , the ray-tracing technique is explaned , and the design result of 10m semi anechoic chamber is shown .

  19. 射线法在毫米波扫描双反射面天线中的应用

    Application of Ray Method to MM wave Scan Dual reflector Antenna

  20. 用射线法研究复杂目标的电磁散射特征

    Study on Electromagnetic Scattering Characteristics for Complex Target Using Shooting and Bouncing Rays

  21. 利用复射线法分析腔体的散射场

    Analysis of cavity scattering based on complex rays method

  22. 用射线法研究进气道的电磁散射特性

    Research of EM scattering of jet engine intakes using shooting and bouncing rays approach

  23. 射线法判定点与多边形包含关系的改进

    The Improvement of Method of the Ray to Judge the Relation of Polygon and Point

  24. 用复射线法分析凹槽散射

    Trough Scattering Analysis using Complex Ray Method

  25. 选用了鲍威尔法和网格随机射线法,进行优化计算。

    The Powell 's method and the net random-ray method are chosen as optimum methods .

  26. 用射线法计算柱形金属壁腔中光线传输的带宽与损耗

    Calculating the bandwidth and absorption loss of light wave transmission in metal closed void by geometrical optics

  27. 用射线法导出了两段式半导体激光器的端面输出谱。

    Based on the ray trace method , an expression for output spectrum of the two-segment semiconductor lasers has been derived .

  28. 将机器鱼和传感器局部坐标系选为与三维仿真系统的世界坐标系一致,简化了虚拟射线法探测障碍物时坐标变换的计算难度。

    The difficulty of coordinate transformation calculation is simplified by selecting robot fish and sensor local coordinates which are the same with world coordinates of 3D simulation system .

  29. β射线法和振荡天平法已在测定空气环境中颗粒物质,方法准确,灵敏度高。

    Both of β radiation method and vibrating microbalance method have merits in measurement of particulate matters in environment , for example accuracy , delicacy , speed and so no.

  30. 介绍了基于低能γ射线法的便携式快速灰分仪的结构、原理、标定方法及其测试影响因素。

    The structure , principle , calibration method , and affecting factors in detection of a portable analyser for ash content in coal based on low-energy γ - ray method have been presented .