
  • 网络Not happy
  1. 不一定只有快乐才能幸福。

    Being happy is not the only happiness .

  2. 你能够得到的最大的快乐,就是认识到你不一定需要快乐。

    The greatest happiness you can gain is realizing that you are not necessarily in need of it .

  3. 金钱不一定能买到快乐,但可以买到对工作的满意。

    Money rarely buys happiness but it can buy job satisfaction .

  4. 记住:情人节有情人的人,不一定就是幸福快乐的。

    Remember : just because a person is partnered up on V-Day doesn 't necessarily mean that he or she is blissed out .

  5. 不过,现实情况是:拥有足够多的财富让人高枕无忧固然是件好事,但金钱并非衡量自我价值的标尺、不一定就能带来快乐,也不会因此而被人铭记在心。

    But the fact is , while it is comforting to be financially secure , money is no measure of self-worth , no guarantee of happiness & and no reason to be impressed .

  6. 钱不一定能给你快乐。

    Money can not exactly bring you happiness .

  7. 我要给你的建议是,不一定要有钱才能快乐。

    Well the advice I would give to you Sean is you don 't have to be rich to be happy .

  8. 逃避不一定躲的过,面对不一定最难过,孤单不一定不快乐,得到不一定能长久,失去不一定不再拥有。

    Evade to not necessarily hide of over , face not necessarily the most sad , loneliness not necessarily not happy , get and not necessarily can be long-last , lose to not necessarily no longer own .