
  • Sleepless nights;white night
  1. 西亚图不眠夜,看过吗?

    It is sleepless in seattle , have you seen it ?

  2. 我在这里渡过了无数个不眠夜妈

    I 've spent a lot of restless nights out here , mom .

  3. 快来这里享受一个惊喜不断的圣诞不眠夜吧!

    Come to celebrate the joy of Christmas Eve !

  4. 《西雅图不眠夜》修饰了这一真理。

    Sleepless In Seattle embellishes this fundamental truth .

  5. 昨晚肯定又是个不眠夜吧-其实

    I 'm sure it was another sleepless night . - Well , actually ,

  6. 夜色漫漫,寒风凛凛,今晚又将是一个不眠夜。

    The night long , wind chills are bringing again tonight will be a sleepless night .

  7. 西雅图不眠夜/缘分的天空

    The Sleepless in Seattle

  8. 我们打赌你为了度过这个不眠夜,一定把自己裹在温暖的羊毛毯,但依然瑟瑟发抖。

    Our bet is you had to wrap yourself in a warm fleece just to make it through and still shivered !

  9. 为了这架“十六旋翼无人机”,他们辛勤工作,度过了无数个不眠夜;面对这一成果,没人比他们更紧张了。

    They had been working on the 16-propellered multicopter for countless nights and they couldn 't have been more nervous about the results .

  10. 回到“西雅图不眠夜”之前,让我们先接一个来自田纳西州诺克斯维尔的电话。你正在与我们即时连线,请讲话。

    Let 's take a call before we get back to " sleepless " knoxville , tennessee , you 're on the air , talk to me .

  11. 《西雅图不眠夜》营造了一种浪漫,让你相信:“爱”终究能够治愈受伤的心灵!在那已幻灭与绝望的境地:它给你希望,它给你梦想。

    Sleepless In Seattle allows the romantic to believe that love still heals the broken-heart , creates hope and fulfills dreams in an age of disillusionment and despair .

  12. 《北京遇上西雅图》的故事背景主要设定在西雅图,美国入境处官员向女主角挥手、准许她入境的情节借鉴了艾芙伦执导的影片的经典桥段,也是对《西雅图不眠夜》的又一处致敬。

    The movie Finding Mr. Right is predominantly set in Seattle and even references Ephron 's classic when the female protagonist is questioned by a US immigration officer who waves her in as another Sleepless pilgrim .