
bù xiáng
  • not quite clear;not in detail;briefly;be unknown;be not quite clear
不详 [bù xiáng]
  • (1)

  • [not in detail;briefly]∶不详细,不完善

  • 言之不详

  • (2)

  • [be unknown;be not quite clear]∶不清楚,有疑问或有疑点的

  • 地址不详

不详[bù xiáng]
  1. 病例中无麻疹疫苗(MV)接种史的占650%,MV接种史不详的占147%。

    65 0 % of the cases had no measles virus vaccination history , while 14 7 % of the cases were not quite clear .

  2. 在浪漫主义作家心目中,大自然比眼前的尘世有着宽广得多的胸怀和气度,足以容纳和寄托他们对理想的焦灼的盼望,把人迹罕至的地方和已成陈迹的年代不详的历史理想化。

    Among romantic writers ' mind , nature have broad mind and manner much than this world , it is enough to hold and find sustenance of their hope for ideal , and make uninhabited place and not quite clear history of thing of the past idealize .

  3. 他生于1650年前后,但身世不详。

    He was born around 1650 but his origins remain obscure .

  4. 这首诗的作者不详。

    The authorship of the poem is unknown .

  5. 他得到了一笔数目不详的钱。

    He was paid an undisclosed sum .

  6. 这笔现金来源不详。

    The cash comes from an unnamed source .

  7. 有数目不详的示威者遭到了逮捕。

    An unknown number of demonstrators were arrested

  8. 屈原的生卒年月不详。

    The date of birth and death of Qu Yuan is unknown .

  9. 女士听到那不详的声音,开始在她同伴的膝上颤抖

    The lady shook upon her companion 's knees as she heard that boding sound .

  10. 赛格威上一次更换东家是在2013年2月,当时该公司被SummitStrategicInvestments买下,金额不详。

    Segway last changed hands in February 2013 when the company was bought by Summit Strategic Investments for an undisclosed amount .

  11. MV未免疫与原发性免疫失败病例中,有87.3%为未免疫或接种史不详。

    In the primary vaccine failure or unvaccinated cases , unvaccinated and history of immunity unclear occupied 87 % .

  12. 据两名接近财新的人士透露,蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)——在美国上市的阿里巴巴的支付、银行业务和资产管理附属公司——正在谈判入股事宜,具体股份比例不详。

    Two people close to Caixin said discussions were under way for Ant Financial , the payments , banking and asset management affiliate of US-listed Alibaba , to buy an undisclosed holding .

  13. 15例麻疹IgM抗体阳性病例中,有免疫接种史者占60.00%(9/15),免疫史不详和无免疫史者占40%(6/15)。

    Of 15 M-IgM antibody positive cases , 6 cases were not vaccinated or not clear , accounting for 40 % .

  14. 我国不同亚型的IBS发病率不详,而以改善腹泻型肠易激综合征的各种症状为目标的治疗药物市场几近空白。

    However , the medicine which can improve the syndrome of diarrhea IBS is not available at resent on the market .

  15. 基辛格说,勃列日涅夫(Brezhnev)流露出一种感觉,认为中国正浮现出一些不详的危险信号。

    Brezhnev , he says , exuded a sense of ominous danger emerging out of China .

  16. 上周日,25岁的SumetLomrob和穿着白纱站在他旁边的妻子(姓名不详)在婚礼上挥舞着两只自动冲锋枪摆POSE拍照。

    Sumet Lomrob , 25 , posed in wedding pictures last Sunday brandishing two automatic assault rifles while his wife , who has not been named , stood next to him her white dress .

  17. 该公司补充道,在决定终止与罗切特长达十年的赞助关系的同时,Speedo将从原定给罗切特的赞助费(具体数额不详)中拿出5万美元,捐赠给救助儿童会(SavetheChildren)的巴西分支机构。

    It added that as part of the decision to end its decade-long relationship with Mr Lochte , Speedo will donate $ 50000 of the swimmer 's undisclosed fee to Save The Children in Brazil .

  18. 广汽将投资于Uber中国(UberChina),但金额不详,而Uber将向其司机推介广汽汽车,两家公司还将在汽车销售和信贷方面进行合作。

    Guangzhou Auto will invest an undisclosed sum in Uber China , while Uber will promote Guangzhou Auto 's cars to its drivers and work with the company for car sales and financing .

  19. 目的:上皮-间质转化(EMT)参与肿瘤侵袭转移,但转化机制仍不详。

    Objective : Epithelial-mesenchymal transitions ( EMT ) takes part in tumor invasion and metastasis , and little is known about the mechanism of EMT .

  20. 对麻疹病例的免疫史分析表明,30%未接种麻疹疫苗(MV),24%免疫史不详。

    The analysis of immunity history of measles ' cases showed that 30 percent of those cases did not take measles vaccination , and the immunity history of 24 percent were not detailed .

  21. 现在,PloughatCadsden--这所位于英国首相官方乡村别墅附近的一间乡村酒吧,据报道已经被卖给了中国投资商,具体金额不详。

    Now the Plough at Cadsden - a rural tavern near the official country retreat used by British prime ministers - has reportedly been sold to Chinese investors for an undisclosed fee .

  22. 英澳矿业集团力拓(RioTinto)的四名雇员在中国被拘留,原因不详。在该公司陷入铁矿石价格艰苦谈判之际,这加剧了紧张局势。

    Four employees of Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian mining group , have been arrested in China without explanation , raising tensions as the company is locked in hard-fought negotiations over iron ore prices .

  23. 像电动汽车先驱特斯拉(TeslaMotors)一样,蔚来汽车的目标也是利用高端汽车上磨练出的技术来进军大众市场。蔚来汽车将首先在中国发布一款乘用车,但发布日期不详。

    Like electric car pioneer Tesla Motors , it aims to use technology honed in a high-end vehicle to move into the mass market , with a passenger car slated for launch first in China at an unspecified date .

  24. 流动人口占病例的相当比例(2090%),其中麻疹IgM抗体阳性病例20例,大多为无免疫史或免疫史不详者(17例,占8500%)。

    77.33 % of the positive cases had no vaccination history or no detail records . 20.90 % cases were floating population , in which 17 cases had measles IgM positive antibodies , and only a few of them had vaccination histories .

  25. 印度实业家拉丹•塔塔(RatanTata)向中国最大智能手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)进行了一笔金额不详的投资,此举对小米的印度扩张计划是个提振。

    Ratan Tata , the Indian industrialist , has invested an undisclosed sum in China 's biggest smartphone maker , Xiaomi , giving a boost to the company 's Indian expansion plans .

  26. 这家美国集团周四表示,已收购中国电商企业1号店(Yihaodian)49%股份,交易金额不详。

    The US group said on Thursday that it had acquired 49 per cent of Yihaodian , a Chinese ecommerce business , for an undisclosed sum .

  27. 后勤补给困难,地形不详,气候恶劣。

    There were many difficulties in supply , terrain and weather .

  28. 他告诉我这是个词源不详的词。

    He told me it was a word of unknown origin .

  29. 在更远处,它们面对的不详之兆漂白和死亡。

    Beyond that , they face the threat of bleaching and dying .

  30. 父亲节的起源不详。

    The origin of Father 's Day is not clear .