
  • 网络reluctant hero;the reluctant heros;Hirokin
  1. 他2011年的影片《金陵十三钗》是中国官方推荐的奥斯卡参选影片,克里斯蒂安·贝尔(ChristianBale)在片中扮演战时上海的一个骗子,后来变成了一个不情愿的英雄,但是美国的电影评论家们不喜欢这部影片。

    His 2011 film , " The Flowers of War , " starring Christian Bale as a con man turned reluctant hero in wartime Shanghai , was an official Oscar entry from China , but it got little love from film critics in the United States .

  2. 有经典的英雄主义英雄,自愿的和不情愿的英雄,团队和单独的英雄,反面英雄,悲剧英雄,骗子英雄和孤独的英雄。

    There is your classic heroic hero , willing and un-willing heroes , group orientated and loner heroes , anti-heroes , tragic heroes , trickster heroes and loner heroes .