
  1. 第四条箴言:职业生涯开发与管理讲求的是:只要开始,永远不晚;只要进步,总有空间。

    The fourth maxim : career development and management require that : if only start , never be late ; if only getting progress , always having space .

  2. 现在重建我们的关系还不晚,但我们必须从小处着手。

    It 's not too late to rebuild our relationship , but we have to start small .

  3. 53岁的人,尝试新事物永远不晚。

    Dear 53-year-old , it 's never too late to try something new .

  4. 任何时候参与都不晚,所以行动起来,发短信PINK到70300捐款吧。

    It isnt too late to get involved , so go ahead and text PINK to 70300 . '

  5. 你确定我们现在去不晚吗?

    Are you sure it 's not too late to go ?

  6. 记住:君子报仇十年不晚(复仇是一盘精心准备的冷菜)

    Remember this : revenge is a dish best served cold .

  7. 也许现在想办法实现它们还不晚。

    Maybe it 's not too late to make them happen .

  8. 拥有一个快乐的童年从来都不晚。

    It 's never too late to have a happy childhood .

  9. 趁时候还不晚,咱们快开溜吧!

    It 's not too late . let 's just leave !

  10. 但他们说现在去注册还不晚。

    But they said it 's not too late to register .

  11. 韩佳:现在说也不晚啊。

    It isn 't too late to say it now .

  12. 对,现在就行动,当然任何时候都不晚。

    It is now , I also think it 's any time .

  13. 任何时候学习新事物都不晚。

    Its never too late to start learning something new .

  14. 现在和玛丽亚说还不晚。

    It isn 't too late to talk to Maria .

  15. 柏蒂:喔,我希望我们还不晚。

    Bertie : Oh , I hope we are not too late .

  16. 什么时候说恭喜都不晚吧

    It 's not too late to say congratulations , is it ?

  17. 还不晚,我们从来没有想过成功。

    It 's too late . we 're never gonna make it .

  18. 现在还不晚艾瑞亚

    Look , it 's not too late , Aria .

  19. 捉拿凶手大概还不晚。

    Maybe not too late to catch her killer .

  20. 快,趁现在还不晚!

    Quick , before it is too late ! '

  21. 我们不晚,弗雷迪,就别没个完啦。

    We 're not late . freddie , do please stop going on .

  22. 人总要做些事情,这永远都不晚。

    It is never too late . A person has to do something .

  23. 不晚,对我没问题。

    No , that will be fine to me .

  24. 我只希望现在说还不晚。

    I just hope I didn 't wait too long to say it .

  25. 好吧但我们可以反悔还不晚

    Okay , but we can undecide . It 's not too late .

  26. 现在去找多些人还不晚。

    It 's not late to find more .

  27. 为什么不晚些时候在楼下演出?

    Why don 't you play later downstairs ?

  28. 知道吗,甜心,现在到乔治敦大学去还不晚。

    You know , hon , it 's not too late to call georgetown .

  29. 希望它们对你来说还不晚。

    Hope it 's not so for you .

  30. 儿童早期开发专家和提倡者认为,现在采取行动尚不晚。

    It 's not too late to act , though , experts and advocates argue .