
  • 网络Speak;I Will Not Go Quietly;No Longer Silent Again
  1. 2004年“不再沉默”中的MelindaSordino

    Melinda Sordino in " Speak " ( 2004 ) ,

  2. 但是现在,他已决定不再沉默。

    But now , he has decided , he is not going quietly .

  3. 当我们不再沉默时,你们称我们是与世界为敌。

    When We were silent no more , You say we were Brainwashed-Xenophoics .

  4. 面对伏尔泰依托一个强大的政治体制的无情打击,卢梭决定不再沉默。

    The encounter of Voltaire 's ruthless strike with the background of powerful political system , Rousseau determined no longer remaining in silence .

  5. 网络消费者越来越注重产品及交易安全,对于网络商家不道德行为,消费者通常不再是沉默接受,而是倾向于抱怨并寻找解决方案。

    Network consumers pay more and more attention to product and the safety of transactions . Consumers are no longer silent to accept the immoral behavior of the network merchants , but tend to complain and look for excellent solutions .

  6. 我等待着她说下去,可她却不再开口了。沉默了片刻,我又勉强地将话题转到她女儿身上。

    I waited but she did not say any more , and after a moment I returned rather feebly to the subject of her daughter .