
  • 网络Clouds of Sils Maria;Sils Maria;Sils-Maria
  1. 在《锡尔斯玛利亚》中,克里斯汀和朱丽叶·比诺什,还有罗伯特最好的朋友汤姆·斯图里奇合演对手戏,朱丽叶在《大都会》中扮演罗伯特的爱慕对象。

    In Sils Maria , Kristen stars opposite of Juliette Binoche , who played Rob 's love interest in Cosmopolis , and Tom Sturridge , who is Rob 's best friend .

  2. 克里斯汀·斯图尔特今天(8月27日)在柏林高调开拍她的新作《锡尔斯玛利亚》。期间,她被注意到其右前臂有一个醒目的新纹身。

    Kristen Stewart was sporting a noticeable new tattoo on her right forearm as she popped up in Berlin to begin filming for her new project , Sils Maria , today .