
  • 网络tin ingot
锡锭 [xī dìng]
  • [block tin] 浇铸成锭块的商品锡,经过部分精炼,但还含有少量不同杂质(如铜、铅、铁或砷);块锡;与锡板不同的固态锡

  1. 锡锭TinIngot商标在伦敦金属交易所(LME)注册。

    Tin Ingot Tin Ingot trademarks of the London Metal Exchange ( LME ) registration .

  2. 锡锭的直读光谱分析电渣浇注空心锭研究

    Direct-reading AES analysis of tin ingot the investigation of the electroslag teeming process for production of hollow ingots

  3. ICP-AES法测定锡锭中微量镉的方法研究

    Study on the ICP AES Method for Determination of Microamount of Cadmium in Tin Ingot

  4. 本文对锡锭与氯气在钢管式炉的反应过程进行研究。

    The paper studies the reaction processes of aluminum ingot and chlorine in a steel-pipe furnace .

  5. 原子荧光光谱法测定锡锭中的汞含量多量子阱红外探测材料的光致荧光谱

    Methods for the determination of mercury in tin ingot-Atomic flourescence spetrometry Quantum well infrared photodetector material with photoluminescence measurement

  6. 主要产品有:焊锡丝、焊锡条、无铅锡线、无铅锡条、锡膏、锡锭、助焊剂、电镀阳极棒、巴氏合金等。

    The main products are : solder wire , lead-free solder bar , line , lead-free solder paste , strips , tin ingots , flux , electroplating anode , babbitt , etc.

  7. 对仪器条件、试剂影响、共存离子干扰进行了试验,方法的相对标准偏差为6.26%,加标回收率在98.0%~101.0%之间,与孔雀绿法结果的相对误差在4.17%~6.56%之间,满足锡锭中0.001%~0.030%锑量的测定。

    The relative standard deviation of the method is 6.26 % . The recovery are 98.0 % to 101.0 % . This method can satisfied determine Sb of 0.0001 % - 0.030 % in ingot tin .

  8. 应用直读原子发射光谱法分析了锡锭中9种杂质元素,对各元素的分析线及测定的分析参数,包括试样制备的要求,校正曲线的拟合等进行了试验及优化。

    Direct-reading atomic emission spectrometry was applied to the determination of impurity-elements in tin ingot . The analytical lines of the 9 elements determined and the analytical parameters of the determinations , including the requirements of sample preparation , and the fitting of calibration curves , were studied and optimized .