
  • 网络Oktoberfest;October Festival;Octoberfest
  1. 里弗顿、野生动物园、十月节和科尼艾兰是辛辛那提市金斯岛的主题公园区。

    River Town , Wild Animal Safari , Oktoberfest and Coney Island are theme areas at Kings Island in Cincinnati .

  2. 我们以最大的乐观来庆祝今年的十月革命节。

    It is with the greatest optimism that we celebrate the anniversary of the October Revolution this year .

  3. 新南威尔士州州长内森•瑞斯说,这一活动将成为今后每年历时一个月的悉尼“十月美食节”的一个固定节目。

    New South Wales state Premier Nathan Rees said the event was set to become an annual feature of Sydney 's month-long October food festival .

  4. 我坚信,今年的十月革命节不但是苏德战争的转折点,而且是全世界反法西斯阵线战胜法西斯阵线的转折点。

    I firmly believe that this anniversary marks the turning point not only of the Soviet-German war , but also of the victory of the world anti-fascist front over the fascist front .

  5. 剩下的20万用在了装修新家、买家具及将于十月的国庆节举行的结婚典礼上。

    The 2 00000 yuan left over was spent on decorating the new home , on appliances and the wedding ceremony , which was held during the National Day holiday in October .

  6. 十月一日国庆节,我们在各地放鞭炮。

    On October lst we set off firecrackers in many places .