
  • 网络spencer;spence;spenser;herbert spencer;Edmund Spenser
  1. 根据她的推荐他阅读了斯宾塞的作品。

    He read Spencer on her recommendation .

  2. 追踪显示是你的IP地址斯宾塞

    It was traced back to your IP address , Spencer .

  3. 文艺复兴时期的文学巨擘:斯宾塞、莎士比亚、多恩与弥尔顿

    the titans of Renaissance literature : Spenser , Shakespeare , Donne and Milton .

  4. 斯宾塞、赫胥黎和孔德的科学教育理论为则为HPS理论的出现铺平了道路。

    Spencer , Huxley , and Comtes science education theory paved the way .

  5. 这个人会是斯宾塞(Spencer)的妈妈吗?

    Could that be Spencer 's mom ?

  6. Deadline网站称,这部名为《斯宾塞》的影片将揭示戴安娜如何在一个周末意识到她的婚姻已经结束了。

    The film , titled " Spencer , " will reveal how Diana over the course of a weekend realized her marriage was over , reports Deadline .

  7. 饶了她吧PJ斯宾塞可是她的初恋

    Give her a break , p.J. Spencer was teddy 's first love .

  8. 戴安娜王妃的弟弟厄尔•斯宾塞(EarlSpencer)同其第一任妻子离婚时,是在他们当时的居住地南非提起离婚诉讼的,这着实让他的妻子吃惊不小。

    When Earl Spencer , brother of Princess Diana , divorced his first wife he surprised her by issuing proceedings in South Africa where they were then living .

  9. 曼哈顿时装品牌Suno生产总监纳迪娅・布拉德肖-斯宾塞(NadiyahBradshaw-Spencer)第一个孩子的预产期是三月份。

    Nadiyah Bradshaw-Spencer-a production director for the Manhattan clothing label Suno-is due this month with her first baby .

  10. 斯宾塞教育思想的产生及其科学教育课程观

    Science Curriculum Sense and the Forming For Education Thought of Spence

  11. 我发现了你为我和斯宾塞所做的一切。

    I found out what you did for Spence and me .

  12. 斯宾塞女士,我们期待您早日光临。

    We look forward to seeing you soon , Ms. Spencer .

  13. 斯宾塞马虎的表现会导致恶果

    You know , Spencer , sloppy work leads to consequences .

  14. 斯宾塞我把热水调好了

    Hey , Spence , I got the hot water working .

  15. 斯宾塞我很早前就认识你了

    Spencer , I 've known you most of your life .

  16. 斯宾塞别管了不我做不到

    Spencer , leave it alone . No , I can 't.

  17. 斯宾塞我都没看到�

    Spencer . I didn 't even see you , uh ...

  18. 斯宾塞:为什么你想隐藏你的身材呢?

    Spencer : Why would you want to hide that figure ?

  19. 我们要等斯宾塞就位

    We have to wait for Spencer to get into position .

  20. 对你来说或许如此但是斯宾塞最近

    Well , maybe for you , but lately with Spencer --

  21. 是斯宾塞我得去找她

    That was Spencer . I have to go meet her .

  22. 但,斯宾塞,我们已经谈得够多了

    But , Spencer , we 've already talked about everything .

  23. 在医院你不就是这样跟斯宾塞说的吗

    Isn 't that what you told Spencer at the hospital ?

  24. 你为什么穿成这样因为斯宾塞

    Why are you dressed like that ? Because , Spencer ,

  25. 我去斯宾塞家洗个澡

    I 'm running over to Spencer 's for a shower .

  26. 是斯宾塞我是以斯拉的朋友

    Spencer . Yes , I 'm a friend of Ezra 's.

  27. 斯宾塞我们在这里生活了很�

    Spencer , we 've lived there for a long time .

  28. 斯宾塞你应该试着放松一下

    Spencer , you 're supposed to be trying to relax .

  29. 可能在我到斯宾塞家之前就在那儿了

    It was probably in there before I got to Spencer 's.

  30. 斯宾塞你觉得门里会有什么

    What do you think 's behind the door , Spencer ?