
àn cháo
  • undercurrent
暗潮 [àn cháo]
  • [undercurrent] 暗流。未在表面显露,暗中形成趋势的势力

暗潮[àn cháo]
  1. 在貌似平静的职工持股会外表下面,其实是暗潮涌动。随着各地清理、解散职工持股会动作的开始,一些潜在的法律问题将渐渐浮出水面。

    In the seemingly calm facade ESOP Association is actually surging undercurrent . As the clean-up around the dissolution of the beginning of movements ESOP Association , a number of potential legal problems will gradually emerge .

  2. 平步青云的事业旅程下,却是戈德利先生暗潮汹涌的苦难人生。

    On the face of it , this was not a turbulent life .

  3. 污秽摇篮是当代世界上最棒的暗潮乐队之一了。

    Cradle of Filth are actually one the best contemporary darkwave bands in the world .

  4. 画面平和的外表下由此而显得暗潮涌动、富有张力。

    Therefrom , under the peaceful outside of the frames appear springing up as undercurrent and full of tension .

  5. 一场模棱两可却暗藏杀机的演出,源自我们模棱两可却又暗潮涌动的生活。

    A performance that is ambiguous but that could kill originates in our ambiguous lives surging with hidden currents .

  6. 对他来说,屈服于“城市暗潮”要比出人头地容易得多。

    It was easier for him to succumb to the " urban undertow " than to be singled out for achievement .

  7. 而谁又能平复暗潮,告诉它何去何从?潮水退去,我们就能寻找贝壳了。

    But who could tame the tide away and tell it where to go ? As the tide receded we were able to look for shells .

  8. 马丁·艾米斯的《伦敦场地》(1989)大获成功,这部黑色幽默叙述着欲望,以及暗潮汹涌的底层生活。

    Martin Amis 's " London Fields " ( 1989 ) was a triumph , a black comedy about lust and low-lifes that fizzed with a rare energy .

  9. 公众意见里有一股强烈的暗潮在涌动,认为所有这些奢侈生活方式和无节制的炫耀性展示正导致冰岛与这个国家的千年传统脱离。

    There was a strong undertow of public opinion that felt that all this ostentatious celebration of lavish lifestyles and excess was causing the nation to disconnect from its thousand-year heritage .

  10. 太政治化了,太多暗潮汹涌,太多与电影无关的尔虞我诈。

    Well , it 's too political , too political , and there 's so much going on , and there 's so much going on that 's nothing to do with the movie .

  11. 今年十月的木扎尔特冰河水量不大,此处河面宽约十几米,水深估计超过一米,虽说不上是波涛汹涌却也暗潮涌动。

    This year , october 's water is not much more in this river , the width is about more than tem meters in this place , the depth may be more than one meter , although it is not surfy , but dangerous .

  12. 随着金融全球化的迅速扩张,金融服务的创新和金融衍生品的推广给金融业的发展带来了巨大的推动作用,但同时在这巨大的发展浪潮中也蕴藏着暗潮涌动的风险。

    With the rapid expansion of financial globalization , the innovation of financial services and the promotion of financial derivatives bring the huge influence to the development of the financial industry . But at the same time , the great development opportunities also bear the risk .