
  • 网络ADVENTURE PARK;California Adventure;AdventureLand;Amusement Park
  1. 这里是购物天堂,35岁的陈琦琦(音译)说。在迪士尼加州冒险乐园(DisneyCaliforniaAdventure)游玩的她说自己打算在结束在加州的度假、回上海之前,把几个箱子都装满。

    It 's shopping paradise , said 35-year-old Cici Chen on a stop at Disney California Adventure . Chen said she planned to fill up her suitcases on her California vacation before returning to Shanghai .

  2. 我们要去加州冒险乐园。(迪士尼乐园)

    We 're going to California Adventure .

  3. 在迪士尼加州冒险乐园(DisneyCaliforniaAdventure)游玩的她说自己打算在结束在加州的度假、回上海之前,把几个箱子都装满。

    Chen said she planned to fill up her suitcases on her California vacation before returning to Shanghai .

  4. 水世界冒险乐园——阿联酋迪拜

    Aquaventure Waterpark - Dubai , United Arab Emirates

  5. 新西兰是冒险乐园。

    In New Zealand , adventure is king .

  6. 在冒险乐园中欢腾嬉戏的孩子们。

    Children cavorting in an adventure playground .

  7. 但是你也可以自由地漫游在你思维深处的冒险乐园里。

    but you are also free to go roaming around the adventureland inside your own mind .

  8. 棕榈岛亚特兰蒂斯酒店的水世界冒险乐园被评选为中东第一水上乐园。

    Aquaventure Waterpark at Atlantis the Palm was voted number one water park in the Middle East .

  9. 哥斯达黎加这个位于美洲中部的多元文化国家是很多喜欢亲近自然的旅行者的冒险乐园。

    The multicultural country in Central America is the perfect destination to get in touch with nature in an adventurous way .

  10. 42岁的张欢(音译)是迪士尼加州冒险乐园的游客之一。和他同行的有妻子、岳母和11岁的儿子。

    Zhang Huan , 42 , was among those touring Disney California Adventure with his wife , mother-in-law and 11-year-old son .

  11. 那些没有密切关注迪斯尼帝国的人可能没有听说过该公司旗下的加利福尼亚州冒险乐园。

    Those who don 't follow the Disney empire that closely might not have heard of the company 's California Adventure theme park .

  12. 在一些行业如汽车、胶卷、及碳酸饮料行业等都被外资所垄断,尽管时间因素很快冲淡了它们曾经带来的巨大震荡,但中国必然成为国际资本新的冒险乐园。

    The foreign capital had monopolized some industries , for instance , automobile 、 film 、 and carbonic acid etc , although , people had forgot it had brought great shock , but China had became the new adventure paradise .

  13. 奥兰多环球影城将要增加“哈利·波特的魔法世界”来扩大他们的冒险岛乐园,按计划,这一新项目将于2010年春天向公众开放。

    Universal Orlando Resort will soon be expanding their Islands of Adventure Park with The Wizarding World of Harry Potter , set to open in the spring of2010 .

  14. 据游客介绍,在当天早上8点半之前,排队等待入园的长龙已经将位于环球影城的冒险岛乐园外围得水泄不通。魔法世界是冒险岛乐园六大特色板块之一。

    Visitors said that by 8:30 am the line to get inside wrapped around the exterior of Universal 's Islands of Adventure park , of which the Wizarding World is one of six unique sections .

  15. 怀托摩正东的罗托鲁瓦城是一个冒险运动的乐园。

    Directly east from Waitomo , Rotorua town is a rich playground for adventure sports .