
  1. 我曾经常幻想自己是个冒险的英雄,所以印第安纳·琼斯的形象正合我意。

    I 'd always fancied myself as an adventure hero , so Indiana Jones won out .

  2. 年轻时的哈里(他小时候的名字)并没有他众多的银幕形象所展现的粗犷、冒险和英雄般的性格。

    Young Harry ( as he was referred to as a child ) did not share the rugged , adventurous , heroic characteristics that he shares with most of his onscreen characters .

  3. 古希腊的神话和传说塑造了一系列具有冒险精神的英雄形象,这些文学形象折射出了西方人热衷冒险的文化特质。

    Greek myths and legends create a series of heroic images with adventure spirit , reflecting the cultural characteristics of the western people 's zeal for adventure .

  4. 读过样一个富有冒险精神的英雄的传奇生涯后,我深深的被一个英雄顽强奋斗的精神和不屈的灵魂震撼着。

    Read a kind of adventurous spirit of the legendary hero of his career , I have been a deep struggle of the heroic tenacity of the indomitable spirit and the soul of a shock .

  5. 某些特质会让人更有可能在一瞬间决定冒险做一次英雄之举。

    Certain traits make it more likely that a person will make a split-second decision to take a heroic risk .