
  • 网络Adventure game;RPG;Adventure
  1. 这是款第三人称动作冒险游戏,靠你的行动来推动故事剧情,以及一些互动3D图像。

    This is the third-person action under subsection adventure game , by your actions to promote the plot , as well as interactive3D images .

  2. 从某些方面来看,《生活真奇怪》(LifeIsStrange)与DontnodEntertainment的科幻动作类游戏《勿忘我》(RememberMe)是两款截然不同的游戏,而从另一些方面来看,这两款章节式的冒险游戏十分类似。

    In some ways , Life Is Strange couldn 't be more different than Dontnod Entertainment 's sci-fi action game Remember Me , but in other ways , the episodic adventure game is similar .

  3. 这只是一款普通的动作冒险游戏。

    It was6 just a garden-variety action-adventure game .

  4. 我经常玩《外交风云》(diplomacy),这是一款冒险游戏,几个玩家争夺欧洲版图的控制权。

    I am a regular player of diplomacy , a Risk-type game where several players fight to gain control of the European map .

  5. 索尼进行了大量游戏演示,其中一些在开发硬件上实时运行,包括动作冒险游戏《Knack》和模拟现实驾驶的《驾驶俱乐部》(DriveClub)。

    Sony showed a number of game demos , some running in real-time on development hardware , including action-adventure title Knack and realistic driving simulator Drive Club .

  6. 这款3D动作冒险游戏诱导孩子进行社交和情绪学习(SocialandEmotionalLearning,简称SEL),贯彻的是一种强调沟通能力,解决冲突和个性发展等方面的教育理念。

    The 3-D action-adventure game introduces kids to social and emotional learning ( SEL ) , an educational philosophy that emphasizes communication skills , conflict resolution , and character development , among others .

  7. Z-machine是允许冒险游戏更轻松地移植到其他架构的一个VM。

    The Z-machine was a VM that permitted an adventure game to be more easily ported to other architectures .

  8. SCUMM由LucasArts创建用于简化图形冒险游戏的开发。

    SCUMM was developed by LucasArts to simplify development of a graphical adventure game .

  9. Infocom最早将其用于文本冒险游戏中(比如Zork)。

    One of the earliest uses was by Infocom in its text adventure games ( such as Zork ) .

  10. 一家引入Zork等基于文本的冒险游戏的公司,在1979年看到了机器独立性的价值。

    Infocom , the company that introduced text-based adventures such as Zork , saw the value in machine independence in1979 .

  11. ScummVM现在用来在各个平台上玩大量文本和图形冒险游戏。

    ScummVM is now used to play a large number of text and graphical adventure games on a variety of platforms .

  12. 无需将整个冒险游戏移植到一个新系统,代表Z-machine的一个解释程序会被移植。

    Rather than having to port the entire adventure to a new system , an interpreter would be ported that represented the Z-machine .

  13. 水晶岛大冒险游戏控制:方向键控制左右走动,空格跳。

    Crystal grand adventure game control : control key to move around , jump box .

  14. 就像一场宇宙冒险游戏,战士数量多的一边赢得胜利。

    Like a cosmic game of risk , the side with the most soldiers wins .

  15. 1991年,我买了第一台电脑,开始玩许多冒险游戏。

    When I got my first PC in1991 , I started playing lots of adventure games .

  16. 可爱有趣的哈宝人物形象的动作冒险游戏登陆你的手机。

    The cute and fun Habbo characters come to your mobile in this action packed adventure game .

  17. 教父手游的英文版,一款不错的射击冒险游戏。

    The Godfather hands of the English version of the tour , shooting a good adventure game .

  18. 增加了新的谜题,优化了图像的质量,这个特别版将对新老冒险游戏迷都具有吸引力。

    With completely updated graphics and new puzzles , this special edition will appeal to old and new mystery game fans alike !

  19. 一个人可以从益智游戏、动作游戏、冒险游戏以及更多的游戏中找到如此之多的选择门类。

    One can find so many categories to choose from the puzzle games , action games , adventure games and lots more .

  20. 游戏介绍:索尼公司出品的冒险游戏。在美妙激情的音乐国度里,尽情享受冒险的乐趣。

    Sony introduced the game genres : adventure game . Passion wonderful music in the country , to enjoy the adventure of fun .

  21. 在动作冒险游戏中,你会需要许多不同的招式和技能。

    In an action adventure game , you have the possibility of needing a stupid number of different moves and abilities in the game .

  22. 放松的管制使美国阵营更有趣:安全条例禁止英国顽童享受那些带给美国同龄人喜悦的冒险游戏

    Lighter regulations make American camps more fun : safety rules bar British brats from enjoying the risky games that delight their American peers .

  23. 你要找出谁是背后的纠缠干预复兴,令人刺激的冒险游戏。

    It is up to you to find out who is behind the haunting at the Renaissance Faire in this exciting Hidden Object Adventure game .

  24. 著名的兔子波比冒险游戏三部曲的精彩续作,拥有陷阱、迷和奖励的特点。

    Excellent sequel to the famous trilogy of " Bobby Carrot " adventures , with tons of traps , riddles , gags and bonus features .

  25. 当我在本地的一次14岁年龄组英语竞赛中取得好成绩时,我觉得那些冒险游戏比英语课教给我更多的东西。

    When I did well in a local English Contest for 14-year olds , I thought that adventure games had taught me more than English classes .

  26. 作为任天堂的旗舰性游戏,塞尔达传说是一款高奇幻类的动作冒险游戏,所有故事都围绕着大名鼎鼎的核心主角“林克”展开。

    One of Nintendo 's flagship title series , Zelda is a high fantasy , action adventure game following the infamous central character ' Link . "

  27. 超现实主义的冒险游戏,玩家将服从所有年龄与穆迪的气氛中,您会遇到从事叙事和演员的彩色字符。

    The surrealistic adventure game that will enthrall games of all ages with its moody atmosphere , you 'll encounter engaging narrative and a cast of colorful characters .

  28. 游戏介绍:格斗冒险游戏,多人物可以选择,发挥你的格斗技巧,做一个装甲英雄。

    The game is introduced : Grapple game of taking risks , many personage can choose , grapple skill to give play to you , become an armoured hero .

  29. 凭著自己的智慧、投掷流星飞镖、挥舞著武士刀,穿梭于一个充满著战斗的冒险游戏之中!

    Armed with only his wits , throwing Ninja stars , and fighting Ninja score , you will enter an adventure of fighting and killing large range of enemies .

  30. 有些时候,IF被用来泛指所有的冒险游戏,或交互式小说团体出品的游戏。

    Sometimes the term IF is used to refer generically to all adventure games , at other times to the games produced by the interactive fiction community rather than game companies .