
  • 网络simulation
  1. 透过模拟活动学习,发展现今商业环境中极为需要的领导才能。

    They will participate in various simulation activities and practices for developing their leadership competencies .

  2. 其他更多有关此文件的信息及相关模拟活动事项,请上小草原科技模拟网站查询。

    For more information about these two documents and the related simulation , see the Littlefield Technology simulation Web site .

  3. Michael的激情通过Play游戏,释放了创意,并获得突破性结果。除了多种游戏和模拟活动外,他还接受了乐高的Lego?

    Michael 's passion unleashing creativity and achieve breakthrough results through Play .

  4. 浅谈英语口语教学中的模拟活动

    On Analogue Activities in the Teaching of Oral English

  5. 本文中我们利用盘不稳定模型和星爆模型的基本思想,模拟活动星系核在光学波段的光度和光谱斜率变化,并将模拟的结果和观测进行比较。

    In this paper , using disk-instability model and starburst model , the AGN optical variability and spectral slope variability are simulated and confronted with observations .

  6. 使用在模拟活动图的流和操作上右键单击后出现的上下文菜单,还可以显示输入和输出令牌值。

    The values of the input and output tokens can be displayed using the right-click with the context menu of flows and actions of the simulated activity diagrams .

  7. 利用GRAPES数值模拟雷电活动的初步试验

    A Preliminary Results on the Numerical Simulation of Lightning Activity Through GRAPES

  8. RationalGUI自动化工具有很好的记录器功能,可以记录用户的活动,并自动生成代码来模拟这些活动。

    The Rational GUI automation tool has a wonderful recorder feature that records a user 's activities and automatically generates code that simulates these activities .

  9. 模拟人类活动影响气候变化的新进展

    Advances on the simulation of human activity effects upon climate change

  10. 简便灵活的模拟教学活动;

    The convenient and flexible simulated teaching activities ;

  11. 商务英语模拟公司活动报告(英文)

    Report on business English mock companies program ;

  12. 我们真的能模拟商业活动吗?

    Can we really simulate business ?

  13. 在学校学术节期间组织了模拟实务活动“华融银行”,并担任总负责人。

    In academic activities during the festival organized a simulation code " Huarong Bank ", and has overall responsibility for .

  14. 活动任务实例的数量(模拟处于活动状态时任务上面的框中的数字)增加。

    The number of active task instances ( the number in the box above the task when the simulation is active ) increases .

  15. 建立了一个二维非线性模型来模拟心脏活动的动力学行为,并利用解析和数值的方法对该模型进行了深入的研究。

    This paper proposes a two dimensional nolinear model to simulate the kinetics of heart and studies the characteristics of the model both analytically and numerically .

  16. 战场环境是作战模拟仿真活动的基础地理平台,是现代作战模拟研究的基础和重要内容之一。

    The battlefield environment is a platform of combat simulation activities , is the research basis and one of the important contents of modern combat simulations .

  17. 通过使用提供或创建的任何插件,该工具模拟用户活动,并在出现性能或功能问题时向管理员团队发送警报。

    By using any of the provided or created plug-ins , the tool simulates the user activity and alerts the administration team when performance or function problems occur .

  18. 用时间缓变的非线性无力场模拟超级活动区(弧岛式大型δ黑子)的磁场位形。

    Within the framework of nonlinear force free fields , the authors try to model the magnetic field configurations of a super active region ( with large island sunspots ) .

  19. 利用一个中低纬电离层电场理论模式,模拟太阳活动低年、地磁活动平静情况下,中低纬地区电离层电场全年的变化情况。

    With a theoretical model of ionospheric electric fields , the yearly variation of ionospheric electric fields at mid - and low-latitudes under the condition of low solar and quiet geomagnetic activities were studied .

  20. 本文在二维平面上设计了一个模拟地震活动性的细胞自动机模型,分析了模拟地震序列的地震活动性,并探讨了强震前场兆和源兆的物理机制。

    In this paper a 2-D cellular automation model of seismicity is designed , the seismicity of the synthetic earthquakes is analyzed and the physical mechanisms of field precursors and source precursors before a strong earthquake are discussed .

  21. 它独特的学习程序和高效的学习方式,尤其是它惊、险、奇与未知的模拟刺激活动是现代人的生理、心理、社会的本能体现。

    Its unique learning process and efficient way of learning , especially that it frightened , insurance , surprising and " unknown " stimulate the activities of the simulation is the modern physical , psychological , social instinct to reflect .

  22. 本文应用质量弹簧模型模拟地震断层活动,并用不同的模型参数拟合出b值来研究其变化。

    This paper employs mass-spring model to simulate earthquake fault motion , and fits out the b-value with regard to the various parameters of the model to study the effect on b-value .

  23. 我的下一个目标就是要成功完成在mit的模拟联合国活动。

    My next aim is Model UN conference in MIT . I think I can do it well .

  24. 不过,并非所有mba业界人士都相信,模拟器出色地模拟了商业活动的复杂性。

    Not everyone in the MBA world , however , is persuaded that simulators do a good job at capturing the complexities of business .

  25. 此系统模拟真实设计活动,辅助设计人员完成板式家具产品设计,并很好的实现了与CAPP、CAM、ERP等其他系统的集成,具有一定的理论意义和重要的实际意义。

    This system simulates the real design activity , can aid designer to finish plank furniture design , and integrates effectively other system such as CAPP , CAM , ERP etc.

  26. 从分析人的思维活动着手,提出了模拟人类智能活动过程构筑Multi-Agent系统的方法,并由该方法构造了基于主控流动的多级Multi-Agent系统。

    Beginning with analysis of human being 's thinking activities , this paper provides a method of building Multi-Agent system by means of simulating human being 's intelligent activity , and with this method , multilevel Multi-Agent system based on flowing main-control is designed .

  27. 主成分分析法在模拟地震成组活动规律中的作用

    The Application of Principal Component Method in Simulating the Group Earthquake Activities

  28. 曾经参与过或正在参与模拟联合国活动的人。

    People who have participated or are participating in Model UN activity .

  29. 在模拟实验过程活动中学生学会了合作与分享;

    The students learn cooperation and sharing at the process of simulation experiment .

  30. 计算机模型可用来模拟细胞的活动方式。

    Computer models can be used to simulate the way that cells work .