
  • 网络Model family;The Joneses;QMV
  1. 青岛什么是模范家庭?

    What 's your idea of an ideal family ?

  2. 人们都认为他们是多么美满的一对,堪称社区“模范家庭”。

    To outsiders , they are a perfect couple , a'model family'in their community .

  3. 你们真是个模范家庭。

    You 're an ideal family .

  4. 维持白篱笆里面的模范家庭要承受很大压力。

    It 's a lot of pressure , trying to be that perfect family behind that white picket fence .

  5. 贝克汉姆一家是演艺圈公认的模范家庭之一,星期六下午小贝和妻子维罗利亚带着孩子们一起在洛杉矶观看曲棍球比赛,他们一家子的很是温馨。

    They 're one of the most tight-knit clans in showbiz , and as David and Victoria Beckham enjoyed a Saturday afternoon with their brood at an L.A. Kings game ... their easy bond was clear to see .