
  1. 研究目的:探讨矿粮复合区资源利用社会整体效益最大化的途径。

    This paper is to discuss approach of maximizing social-benefit from resources use in mine-grain mixed zone .

  2. 作为在传统会计模式上发展起来的一门新兴会计分支,其产生是为了实现社会整体效益,为了保证全社会的可持续发展。

    As a new branch derived from traditional accounting pattern , the target of social responsibility accounting is to realize whole benefit and sustainable development .

  3. 如何将这部分国有资产的管理好,直接关系到我国公共事业的发展,直接关系到群众公共利益和社会整体效益的提高。

    How to manage this part of state-owned assets directly relates to the development of our public enterprises and the benefit increase of the crowd and hole society .

  4. 我国于2002年底提出了打破垄断,促进竞争,优化资源配置,提高社会整体效益的电力市场化改革目标。

    More and more countries select market . Chinese government presents a pattern by 2002 , which break monopolization , boost competition and optimize resource deploying to increase social whole benefit .

  5. 为恢复有序竞争的市场条件,实现社会整体效益的提升,反垄断法作为经济宪法对垄断行为进行禁止和惩罚,当然这里的垄断行为还包含知识产权人滥用垄断权的行为。

    In order to recover the orderliness market condition and promote social efficiency , the antimonopoly law , which act as ' economic constitution ', prohibits and punishes the monopolistic actions .

  6. 由此,政府、媒介、公众也可以从良性互动的媒介生态循环中获得更大的社会整体效益。

    The benign interaction among government , media and the public will lead to a healthy and balanced ecological cycle in which all aspects of the society can benefits from it .

  7. 文章从国际农业大市场的要求、农业可持续发展、农业产业化发展、人们消费取向发展变化以及提高社会整体效益的要求等五个方面,阐述了我国发展品牌农业的必要性。

    The paper analyzes the necessity to develop famous-brand agriculture from demand of international market , sustainable development of agriculture , agricultural industrialization management , tendency of consumption and efficiency of social economy .

  8. 社会整体经济效益与经济法效益是两个不同的概念。

    The social general economical benefits and benefits of economic law are two different conceptions .

  9. 作为经济法的效益价值即社会整体经济效益价值具有经济性、宏观性、辐射性、国家主体性、社会本位等特征。

    The social general economy benefit value contains some characteristics the quality of economy , macrocosm , openness , national subjects and society centre .

  10. 而就近年来我国基层体育社团的整体发展来看,其对社会的整体效益不高。

    As far as the overall development of grassroots sports community in recent years , the grassroots sports community did not benefit the society very much .

  11. 增强社会整体经济效益价值对于我国经济体制的转变,国民经济的发展都大有裨益。

    Enforcing benefit value of the social general economy is helpful for the transformation of our country 's economic mechanism and development of national people economy .

  12. 竞争法追求社会整体经济效益的最大化,与民法和行政法都有较大区别。

    Competition law focuses on the maximum of the whole social economic efficiency , which is in sharp contrast with the civil law and administrative law .

  13. 土地发展权内含可持续发展之理念,关注土地的社会整体经济效益与生态效益,追求代内人和代际人的土地安全与生态安全之目标。

    In this part , LDR inborn with sustainable development idea regards the social general interests and ecological interests , and pursues land safely and ecological safety among the same generation and different generations .

  14. 从时间维度来界定调整对象,经济法就可以真正从调整对象上与传统部门法区别开来,进而彰显经济法蕴含的社会整体经济效益价值。

    That the regulated objects are determined along the time dimension is the main characteristics of modern economic which differs from the traditional department law and represents evidence of the benefit of the social whole of economic laws .

  15. 高速公路运输产出数据的缺乏给高速公路规划、建设、运营与管理带来了诸多的困难,影响了全社会高速公路整体效益的发挥及综合运输体系的建设。

    The lack of statistical data of the expressway transportation output has made a lot of difficulties in planning , constructing , operating and managing the China 's expressway , therefore has an influence on the whole benefit of China 's expressway .

  16. 社会整体经济效益作为经济法的效益价值是国家通过经济法这一法律形式调节社会整体经济运行,力图实现社会整体经济效益最大化。

    It can become the benefit value of economic law . Moreover , it can mean that the country modulates the operation of social general economy by the form of law in order to realize the largest extent of social general economy benefit .

  17. 作者从经济、社会和环境系统整体效益出发,设计出了一种定性与定量相结合描述判断矩阵的多指标决策的排污总量分配层次结构模型。

    The authors put forward a hierarchy structure model of drainage water pollutant total amount distribution with multi indexes of quantitative and qualitative analysis in view of the overall interests of economic , social and environmental system .

  18. 否则不仅会从根本上改变图书馆的性质和发展方向,实际上取消图书馆的存在,而且会增加经济和社会发展的总成本,降低社会整体效益。

    Otherwise not only will the character and development direction of library be changed essentially , and its existence be cancelled actually , but also the general cost of economy and social development will be increased and social total benefit will be decreased .

  19. 从三种生产的视角看,农村发展的可持续方向是指农村发展趋向于三种生产的和谐运行与环境社会系统的稳定演进,获得经济-社会-环境整体高效益。

    From perspective of three-production , sustainable direction of development in rural regions of China , is to make three-production run harmoniously and environment-society system evolvement steadily , so as to achieve high overall benefits for economy-society-environment .