
mào xiǎn zhǔ yì
  • adventurism
冒险主义[mào xiǎn zhǔ yì]
  1. 他对游击战嗤之以鼻,认为那是一种“冒险主义”。

    He dismissed guerrilla warfare as ' adventurism . '

  2. 卡梅伦则对自己认为的国外冒险主义兴趣寡然。

    Mr Cameron has little appetite for what he regards as foreign adventurism .

  3. 而有些是非常帅气的冒险主义者!

    And some are remarkably handsome adventurers .

  4. 我们反对尾巴主义,但又反对冒险主义和急性玻。

    We are opposed to tailism , but we are also opposed to adventurism and impetuosity .

  5. 无意义的事没有意义或情理的事物全线出击的口号,是伴随军事冒险主义而来的军事平均主义。

    Something empty of meaning or sense . This slogan expresses the military equalitarianism which accompanies military adventurism .

  6. 这是临时中央在指导地方党的工作中盲目执行左倾冒险主义进攻路线的一个具体计划,结果给党的事业造成极大危害。

    This was a specific plan of left leaning adventurism that caused enormous losses to the Party 's cause .

  7. 可是,军事冒险主义者则坚决反对此种步骤,他们的主张是所谓御敌于国门之外。

    But military adventurists stubbornly oppose such a step and advocate " engaging the enemy outside the gates " .

  8. 究竟俄罗斯最近的油价暴跌和衰退是否会对他的地缘政治冒险主义产生影响,目前仍有待观察。

    Whether the latest oil price plunge and recession have any impact on his geopolitical adventurism remains to be seen .

  9. 向关门主义和冒险主义、同时又向尾巴主义作斗争,是执行党的任务的必要的条件。

    The fight against closed-doorism and adventurism and also against tailism is essential to the accomplishment of the party 's tasks .

  10. 当着群众还不觉悟的时候,我们要进攻,那是冒险主义。

    If we tried to go on the offensive when the masses are not yet awakened , that would be adventurism .

  11. 对我们构成危险的是,诸国军备增长的速度将推动它的全球冒险主义而侵略别国。

    The danger to us was that the rate of its armament would fuel the nation 's global adventurism against others .

  12. 第四次反围剿时,由于军事冒险主义的影响,干部的意见是反对准备。

    In the fourth counter-campaign the cadres , under the influence of military adventurism , objected to making preparations for retreat .

  13. 因此,即使美联储保持了作为通胀斗士的可信性,它也在对抗金融冒险主义方面丧失了信誉。

    So even as the Fed has maintained credibility as an inflation fighter , it has lost credibility in fighting financial adventurism .

  14. 但苏亚金表示他们已经准备让俄罗斯花费数百亿美元,作为对于进一步冒险主义的重要威慑。

    But Sutyagin says they are already costing Russia tens of billions of dollars and serve as a significant deterrent to further adventurism .

  15. 但是在具体问题上,在一个一个敌人的问题上,如果我们不重视它,我们就要犯冒险主义的错误。

    But with regard to specific problems and specific enemies , if we DO not take them seriously , we shall commit adventurist errors .

  16. 其第一阶段是军事冒险主义,第二阶段转到军事保守主义,最后,第三阶段,变成了逃跑主义。

    Its first stage was military adventurism , in the second it turned into military conservatism and , finally , in the third stage it became flightism .

  17. 但是由于“左倾”冒险主义者没有在指战员中进行应有的政治动员,在战略转变上犹豫不决,撤退过于仓促,因而这种准备是有缺点和错误的。

    But as the left adventures didn 't mobilize the commanders politically , hesitate at strategic withdraw and haste in retreat , its preparation was imperfect and erroneous .

  18. 很多人会认为,这十年,美国在中东昂贵地推行冒险主义,使得美国忘记把心思放在亚洲&这个聚集世界主要经济体和新兴大国、并塑造21世纪的重要地域。

    S.policy making from the new realities of Asia , where some of the world 's main economies and rising powers are shaping the future decades of the21st century .

  19. 如果你是一个冒险主义者,也许在下次考试或者需要记忆什么重要事项之前可以试着在小区光着脚慢跑试试。7.举重训练可以帮助提高长期记忆力

    If you 're an adventurous person , you might try taking a barefoot jog around the block before your next test or before you need to remember something important . 7 . Pumping Iron Could Enhance Long-Term Memory

  20. 客观依据体现在五个方面:纠正党内错误思想的需要,反对本本主义、经验主义的需要,反对右倾机会主义的需要,反对左倾冒险主义的需要,反对党内资产阶级思想的需要。

    The objective basis reflects in five aspects : the needs of correcting inner-party wrong thinking , of combating bookishness and experientialism , of combating Right Opportunism , of combating " Left " Adventurism , and of combating inner-party bourgeois ideas .

  21. 我们要采用胡萝卜加大棒的办法准备给冒险主义以惩罚,愿意在负责行动的背景下发展关系。如果您与我们有着共同的发展期望和愿景,就让我们共同努力迎接更加辉煌的未来!

    We would pursue a carrot-and-stick approach , ready to impose penalties for adventurism , willing to expand relations in the context of responsible behavior . If you have the same aspiration , let us work together for a more brilliant future !

  22. 但是,东满地区的各级党组织贯彻党内第二次左倾冒险主义路线,忽视中日矛盾是主要矛盾,广泛地开展了秋收斗争和春荒斗争。

    But , the Party group in the eastern part of Jilin province carried out the second " left " route of the Party , waged " The struggle of Autumn Harvest " and " The struggle of Spring Desolation " neglected the principal contradiction .

  23. 斯蒂文森的小说《金银岛》是全世界流传最广的海盗探险小说之一,人们常常从美学、冒险精神、浪漫主义等角度出发去欣赏它。

    Robert Stevenson 's Treasure Island is one of the most popular adventure novels , which is appreciated from romance and adventure spirit .