
  • 网络Snow White And The Huntsman;Snow White &the Huntsman
  1. 英国帅小伙SamClaflin确定将搭档克里斯汀·斯图尔特,一同出演新片《白雪公主与猎人》。

    Handsome British actor Sam Claflin is set to star opposite Kristen Stewart in the upcoming film Snow White and the Huntsman .

  2. 之前一个周末的票房冠军《白雪公主与猎人》(SnowWhiteandtheHuntsman)滑落到了第三位,在刚刚过去的周末获得了2300万美元的票房收入,全球票房累计收入达1.82亿美元。

    Last weekend 's No. 1 film , " Snow White and the Huntsman , " fell to third place , earning $ 23 million over the weekend , and bringing its cumulative world-wide grosses to $ 182 million .

  3. USWeekly得到独家消息,这位《白雪公主与猎人》的女主拜访了斯威夫特位于比利佛山庄的家。

    A source confirms exclusively to Us Weekly that the Snow White and the Huntsman actress was on her way to visit Swift 's Beverly Hills home .

  4. 斯图尔特还将出演《白雪公主与猎人2》(SnowWhiteandtheHuntsman2),但续集的导演将不再是鲁伯特·桑德斯(rupertsanders)。

    Meanwhile , Kristen will also be working on " Snow White and the Huntsman 2 , " though this time it will not be directed by former flame Rupert Sanders .

  5. 在克里斯汀·斯图尔特与《白雪公主与猎人》(SnowWhiteandtheHuntsman)的导演鲁伯特·山德斯(RupertSanders)闹出“偷腥门”短暂分手后,目前两人已经重归于好,近日这对小情人还被拍到在斯图尔特家门口接吻的照片。

    Pattinson and Stewart are believed to have reconciled following Stewart 's affair with director Rupert Saunders , with the young stars having been papped kissing outside the 22-year-old actress 's new Hollywood home .

  6. 2012年,斯图尔特被拍到亲吻《白雪公主与猎人》导演鲁伯特·山德斯。

    In 2012 , Stewart was photographed kissing her Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders .

  7. 据报道,由于电影《金刚狼》的拍摄遇到了问题,休·杰克曼可能将和克里斯汀·斯图尔特搭档,出演环球新片《白雪公主与猎人》中的猎人一角。

    Hugh Jackman is set to star alongside Kristen Stewart in Universal Studio 's Snow White And The Huntsman , after issues with his film The Wolverine .

  8. 在7月爆发的当斯图尔特承认与《白雪公主与猎人》导演鲁伯特•桑德斯的短暂恋情的戏剧性事件后,她和帕丁森就分开了。

    After the drama erupted in July when Stewart admitted to brief fling with her Snow White and the Huntsman director , Rupert Sanders , she and Pattinson spent time apart .

  9. 在七月初,演员兼模特丽波缇·罗斯在接受采访时,坦诚地讲了她与结婚七年的鲁伯特·山德斯(《白雪公主与猎人》导演,偷腥事件的男主角)早前的问题和压力。

    In early July , actress-model Liberty Ross spoke candidly about the early problems and stresses in her seven-year marriage to Rupert Sanders , who directed Snow White and the Huntsman .

  10. 他们最近还一起庆祝了斯图尔特的23岁生日,在科切拉牵着手&尽管去年7月这位女演员与《白雪公主与猎人》的已婚导演鲁伯特•桑德斯有偷腥丑闻。

    They also recently celebrated Stewart 's 23rd birthday together and held hands at Coachella – despite the actress 's cheating scandal with her married Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders last July .

  11. 他们最近还一起庆祝了斯图尔特的23岁生日,在科切拉牵着手——尽管去年7月这位女演员与《白雪公主与猎人》的已婚导演鲁伯特•桑德斯有偷腥丑闻。

    They also recently celebrated Stewart 's 23rd birthday together and held hands at Coachella - despite the actress 's cheating scandal with her married Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders last July .

  12. 影片《白雪公主与猎人》预告片一开头,由查理兹•塞隆饰演的邪恶皇后赤身出镜,吸食一个十几岁女孩的青春,并密谋撕裂白雪公主的心脏。

    In the first minute of the trailer for Snow White the Huntsman , evil queen Ravenna , played by Charlize Theron , strips naked , sucks the youth out of a teenage girl , and plots to rip Snow White 's heart from her chest .

  13. 麦斯洛还表示,如果观众熟知原版故事并且懂得去欣赏这些改编电影,那些像《白雪公主与猎人》这样颠覆性的童话故事,以及像《格林兄弟》和《童话镇》这类的电视剧也将会取得更大的成功。

    Meslow added that , if the audience has enough knowledge of the original stories to appreciate how they 're being adapted , twisted fairy tales , such as Snow White & the Huntsman , and TV shows like Grimm and Once Upon a Time , will work better .

  14. 影片《白雪公主与猎人》预告片一开头,由查理兹•塞隆饰演的邪恶皇后赤身出镜,吸食一个十几岁女孩的“青春”,并密谋撕裂白雪公主的心脏。

    In the first minute of the trailer for Snow White & the Huntsman , evil queen Ravenna , played by Charlize Theron , strips naked , sucks the " youth " out of a teenage girl , and plots to rip Snow White 's heart from her chest .

  15. 当斯图尔特承认与《白雪公主与猎人》的已婚导演鲁伯特·山德斯偷腥之后,她向帕丁森撕心裂肺的道歉:“我爱他,我爱他。”——与此前不善于流露感情不同,这回斯图尔特的高调示爱更加让人震惊。

    So it was Stewart 's gut-wrenching apology to Pattinson , punctuated by her double " I love him , I love him , " that shocked in its bare expression of emotion nearly as much as her admission of a fling with Rupert Sanders , the married director of Snow White and the Huntsman .