
  • 网络White House Fellow;White House Scholar
  1. 1970年获得斯坦福大学博士学位后,乔斯以白宫学者的身份来到华盛顿特区,任美国财政部经济政策副部长助理。

    Prof joss received his PhD from Stanford in 1970 , and went to Washington DC as a white house fellow and deputy to the Assistant Secretary for economic policy at the US Treasury Department .

  2. 白宫总统学者奖委员会指出,该奖项是基于入选候选人的“学术成就、艺术才能、论文、学校评估及成绩单、社区服务证明和领导力”而颁发的。

    The awards are given based on the " academic success , artistic excellence , essays , school evaluations and transcripts , as well as evidence of community service and leadership " of the selected candidates , according to the White House Commission on Presidential Scholars .