
  1. 这架时钟纯属摆设,它再也不走了。

    The clock is simply for ornament ; it doesn 't work any more .

  2. 这钟不走了。

    This clock doesn 't go .

  3. 两个老头儿在外面街角迟迟不走,聊着牛的事情。

    Outside , two old boys lingered on the street corner discussing cattle .

  4. 老板不走了,我非常高兴。

    I 'm chuffed that the boss is staying

  5. 钟一不走了,他就把它拆开看看哪儿出毛病了。

    When the clock stopped he took it apart to find out what was wrong

  6. “我得了重感冒。”——“是吗?哦,天啊。对了,那你这个周末就不走了吧?”

    ' I 've got a terrible cold . ' — ' Have you ? Oh dear . Anyway , so you 're not going to go away this weekend ? '

  7. 我的表不走了。

    My watch isn 't going .

  8. 他不走了。

    He 's not going . ; He 's decided to stay .

  9. 再不走我们开会就要迟到了。

    We 'll be late for the meeting if we stay any longer .

  10. 你怎么还不走哇?

    Why haven 't you gone yet , eh ?

  11. 都8点了,你还不走?

    It 's already eight o'clock . Why don 't you get a move on ?

  12. 钟不走了。

    The clock has stopped .

  13. 他一来了就不走,死皮赖脸地坐在那儿。

    Once he is here , he won 't leave ; he just sits there as bold as brass .

  14. 再不走我们就赶不上火车了。

    We 'll miss the train if we delay any longer .

  15. 干热低压槽犹如抱窝的母鸡赖着不走。

    A hot , dry thermal sat there like a brooding hen .

  16. 你的到达使我不走了。

    Your arrival hindered me from leaving .

  17. 有时候,她不走到真正要昏厥了,决不肯坐下来。

    Sometimes she would not sit down till she was literally faint .

  18. 例句他决定到丛林里去,不走寻常路。

    He decided1 to go into the jungle and went off the beaten track .

  19. 你会照常在单位出现(而且可能下班了也不走)但你的心已经不在那里了。

    You ’ ll turn up for work ( and may even put in very long hours ) but your heart isn ’ t in it .

  20. Officedwellers(赖班族)指下班后还赖在办公室不走的人们,这些人多数都在国内一线城市生活。

    Office dwellers refer to those who linger at their offices after official work hours , most of whom are in the country 's first-tier cities .

  21. 阿拉巴马州莫比尔的临床社会工作者莫雷(MonaLoeser)说,有一种感觉,就是如果现在不走,就永远不会走了。

    ' There 's a feeling , 'If I don 't go now , I 'm never going to go , 'says Mona Loeser , a Mobile , Ala.

  22. 为了使同学的学习不走弯路,教是很重要的。

    To facilitate learning , " teaching " is quite important .

  23. 从他那儿,你拿不走任何东西。

    There is nothing for you to take away from him .

  24. 我的手表摔到地上后不走了。

    My watch stopped working after falling down on the floor .

  25. 我得走了,再不走良心上过不去。

    I must go . it 's a matter of conscience .

  26. 可是我的爱永远在这儿,野马也拽不走。

    Wild , wild horses , couldn 't drag me away .

  27. 你知道这表为什么不走吗?

    Have you any idea why this watch won 't go ?

  28. 他们停在那不走,我搞不懂。

    They 're not moving . I don 't understand .

  29. 告诉他们我们不走了,好吗?

    Let 's tell them that we can 't go , okay ?

  30. 他甚至想到自己也许会一辈子留下不走了。

    He even thought he might stay the rest of his life .