
  • 网络impossibility
  1. 不能犯的性质及其有罪性判断

    The Nature of the Impossibility and the Judgment on the Guilt

  2. 论不能犯与能犯未遂的区分标准

    On the Standard of Dividing Impossibility and Possible Criminal Attempt

  3. 那是个重要会议,可不能犯糊涂。

    It was an important meeting and a bad time to have a senior moment .

  4. 关键时刻,你可不能犯糊涂。

    You must think twice and watch your step at this critical moment .

  5. 第二部分:不能犯概述。

    The second part : The basic concept of impossible crime .

  6. 不能犯的判断方法&危险概念的理性探析

    Measuring Incapability in Committing Crime : Research on the Concept of Danger

  7. 这就是我们不能犯任何错误的原因。

    That 's why we can 't make any mistakes .

  8. 但不能犯下错误。

    But do not let us now make any mistakes .

  9. 如果你有了孩子,有些错误就是不能犯的。

    There are some mistakes you cannot risk when you have children .

  10. 绝对不能犯错误,我们必须得赢。

    There is no margin for error & we have to win .

  11. 我们需要好好组织,不能犯错误。

    We needed to be very well-organised not to make a mistake .

  12. 试论不能犯之行为持有型犯罪是以行为方式来归类的一类犯罪。

    Behavior of Impossibility of Crime The crime is made by behavior form .

  13. 我不能犯了错还给奖励。

    And I 'm not gonna reward bad behavior .

  14. 不能犯是否可罚,因所持学说不同,各国做法不一。

    Many countries have different opinions about whether the incapable crime will be punished .

  15. 第三部分,不能犯中危险性的认定。

    The third part is about the identification of the danger in legal impossibility .

  16. 对不能犯与迷信犯、幻觉犯的区别与联系进行分析;

    Then , the author analyses the relations between The impossibility and the superstitious offense .

  17. 你能不能犯点错,这样她至少知道是你的。

    Will you get some wrong , so she know it 's yours at least .

  18. 因为明早我还得工作呢,可不能犯晕。

    I have to work in the morning so I can 't have a hangover .

  19. 传统观点认为不能犯是犯罪未遂的一种,所有的不能犯均构成犯罪。

    It is generally believed that impossibility of crime is a type of unaccomplished crime .

  20. 一个人不能犯了罪不受惩罚。

    One cannot commit crimes with impunity .

  21. 譬如,你或许觉得你喜欢某人,但你不能犯错误。

    Like , you may think you like someone , but you could be wrong .

  22. 在选什么书读这第一道工序上,就不能犯胡涂。

    This first working procedure that deciding what books to read , then cannot be muddled .

  23. 我太需要这份工作了.我可不能犯什么错。

    I 'm in such a need of the job that I can 't afford any mistakes .

  24. 事实上,无论是刑法理论方面还是司法实践中,不能犯都有其独立的存在价值。

    In fact impossibility has its independent value whether in criminal law theory or in the judicial practice .

  25. 不能犯尚无统一的概念,但它与迷信犯、误想犯不同。

    There is no united concept of impossibility , but it differs from superstition offence and wrong-thinking offence .

  26. 不能犯与普通未遂的区别在于有无侵害法益的现实危险。

    The difference between the attempted crime and the incapable crime is how to think of the danger .

  27. 你必须以这种标准要求自己,决不能犯下道德伦理方面的大错。

    You must to adhere to your highest personal standards of excellence to avoid making moral or ethical blunders .

  28. 笔者主张我国不能犯的分类应包括两类:手段不能犯与对象不能犯。

    The author believes that impossibility in our country should include two types : means impossibility and object impossibility .

  29. 鉴于此,笔者试图通过对不能犯的基本问题进行研究,并在此基础上完善我国的不能犯理论。

    This paper analyzes the fundamental issues that can not be committed to study and improve on this basis .

  30. 不能犯的理论丰富复杂,在实践中认定又十分困难。

    To identify impossibility of crime is very difficult in jurisdiction practice , as its theories are rich and complex .