
  • 网络Directed by Chris Lee
  1. 你的样子那么真,深深烙进我灵魂。等待这一生,再爱一次不离分。

    Your looks are so true , deeply printed in my soul . I 'll keep waiting all my life , and never part in another love .

  2. 观察一下新婚燕尔的夫妇生活,他们显得彼此迷恋,深陷情网,似乎是完美的结合-他们拥抱,亲吻,'我爱你'不离口,他说。

    When you look at them as newly-weds , they look like they are mutually enchanted and deeply in love and a prototype of your perfectly wed couple & they hug , kiss , say'I love you'all the time , he said .