
  1. 但是分析家称,Bout掌握着俄罗斯的军事和情报情动知识,这是莫斯科不希望AllaBout被送美国的关键原因。

    But analysts say Bout also has knowledge of Russia 's military and intelligence operations and these are the key reasons why Moscow does not want Bout sent to the United States .

  2. 我在玩一场必输的结局,赔上一生的情动。

    I will be playing a game to lose , lose life feelings .

  3. 所以,以情动声要对声乐作品进行“二度创作”。

    So singing a song with emotion needs re-creation for the vocal works .

  4. 留守儿童道德情感的生成经历了情动感受、体验理解、内化移情三个阶段,进而各阶段被整合后,其道德情感即具有了一定的理论意义。

    The generation of the moral emotion of left-behind children has experienced three stages of " emotional activities feeling "," experience comprehension ", and " internalization empathy ", and with each stage integrated , their moral emotion has been provided with a certain theoretical meaning .

  5. 上述是笔者观点,主要是两位大师辞世,情有所动,因而写之,不当之处,敬请批评指正。

    The above is my view for the death of two masters , the situation has been fixed , so to write , the inappropriate criticism please .

  6. 目前情况是这老小子后台太硬,他一出事连省委的不少领导都打电话来说情,根本动不了他。

    Background of the current situation is very tough guy , he has led a lot of trouble even phoned run intelligence committee , he could not simply action .

  7. 她身上每一处能表露爱慕之情的部位都动了起来,为了引起他的注意。

    Every part of her capable of externally expressing affection was in action , working to arouse his interest .

  8. 意由情生,情的感觉要在画面中得到形象的表现,主要有通过追溯情动的根源、情动的主体和情动的载体。

    Sense of the situation to get the image on the screen performance , it major retrospective feelings move through the root of the situation and move the main body of the vehicle dynamic conditions .