
  • 网络Not afraid of death;Not afraid to die;daredevil
  1. 他们的共通点是他们不怕死。

    All they have in common is they are not afraid to die .

  2. 他根本不怕死

    Well , he 's not afraid to die .

  3. 他不怕死。

    He knows no fear of death .

  4. 而谁不怕死,他便拥有一切。

    And all things belong to him who fears it not .

  5. 他一定是真的不怕死才敢开那么快。

    He must be really daredevil to drive so fast .

  6. 我痛苦地死,但我并不怕死。

    I die hard but am not afraid to go .

  7. 宗教救人的灵魂,要人不怕死。

    Religion saves people 's souls and wants them not to fear death .

  8. 他们会进行一些不怕死的惊险动作,来考验他们的勇气。

    They were going to have to test their courage by performing daredevil stunts .

  9. 看来她是不怕死的懒。

    It 's like she 's fatally lazy .

  10. 难道他不怕死吗?

    Isn 't he afraid to die ?

  11. 我不怕死

    I 'm not afraid to die .

  12. 抓住那个不怕死的!

    Get the son of a bitch !

  13. 他是一个非常勇敢的人,所以一点也不怕死。

    He is such a courageous man that he does not fear death at all .

  14. 中国的环保事业一定需要不怕死的,有血性的人才能做。

    The environment protection in China can only be achieved by the people with hot blood .

  15. 你究竟怕不怕死?

    Are you afraid of death ?

  16. 也许你不怕死但我有个更好的计划

    You may be ok with dying , but I have a better plan for you .

  17. 不怕死,不怕撒但磨难,依靠神,神必保护眷念;

    Fear not death , nor Satan 's thrusts , God defends who in him trusts ;

  18. 没有剑还是会死于剑下。我不怕死也不怕痛。

    Those without swords can still die upon them . I fear neither death nor pain .

  19. 我们的战士和干部机智,勇敢,不怕死。

    Our soldiers and cadres are resourceful and brave and dare to look death in the face .

  20. 为了追求寒冷带来的刺激,一群不怕死的家伙居然把吊床吊在几百英尺的高空,真是做到极致。

    These daredevil highliners are the ultimate chillseekers - setting up hammocks hundreds of feet in the air .

  21. 敦请各地来的华语及美藉神父主礼弥撒。我痛苦地死,但我并不怕死。美国国父华盛顿

    I die hard but am not afraid to go . & George Washington , father of the United States

  22. 他不怕死,可是他怕他死了,再没有人疼她。

    He is not afraid to die , but he was afraid he might die , no one hurt her .

  23. 鲁迅不怕死,何为以死悼之?

    Lu Xun was not afraid of death , so why should his death be a reason to mourn him ?

  24. 祭司束紧了衣服走进河中,向人民表示他不怕死。

    The priest girded up his clothing and stepped into the river to show the people that he had no fear .

  25. 他们以不怕死的精神出去他拼,这种精神让人值得学习。

    They to the spirit which does not fear death exit he to spell , this kind of spirit lets the person be worth studying .

  26. 我不找有钱人,我要的是工农,一个不怕死的人。

    I don 't want a rich man . I want a worker or a farmer , and someone who is not afraid of death .

  27. 玛格不是普通的84岁老妇人,她是祖母,是妻子,同时也是个不怕死的人,没有什么东西她没尝试过。

    Marg was no ordinary 84-year-old woman . She was a grandmother , a wife , and daredevil . There was nothing she wouldn 't try once .

  28. 如果台湾想让全世界都知道这栋世界上最高的新建筑的话,还有什么比找个不怕死的人来场惊险演出更有效果呢?

    Taiwan wanted the whole world to know about the newest tallest building in the world and what better way to do it than with a daredevil stunt .

  29. 但现在他看到一个老人竟这样大胆不怕死的在寻求活路,他也就有了一个新的希望,勇气和精力也被激励起来。

    But the sight of an old man clinging to life with so desperate a courage , gave a fresh turn to his ideas , and inspired him with new courage .

  30. 人的生命是有限的,既要珍爱生命,保护身体,又要发扬不怕死的革命精神;

    Man 's life-span is limited , thus one 's life should be cherished , and one 's body should be kept healthy , and the daredevil revolutionary spirit should be developed .