
  • 网络True Detective
  1. 《真探》(TrueDetective)大结局时,HBO的客户端也不能正常使用;《美眉校探》(VeronicaMars)电影版的拥趸同样无法顺利进行免费下载。

    HBO Go fizzled during the True Detective finale and Veronica Mars movie backers couldn 't get their free digital downloads on time .

  2. 此外,他还执导了HBO连续剧《真探》(2015)的前两集,以及最新电影《星际迷航3:超越星辰》(9月2日于中国上映)。

    He also directed the first two episodes of HBO 's True Detective ( 2015 ) and the most recent Star Trek Beyond ( in Chinese cinemas from Sept 2 ) .

  3. 此次提名唯一的新面孔是HBO的《真探》(TrueDetective)。

    The category 's sole newcomer was HBO 's ' True Detective . '

  4. 抱着重掌江湖的希望,HBO在摩肩接踵的剧情剧市场推出了主打犯罪剧《真探》(TrueDetective)。

    In hopes of reasserting its clout , HBO entered its hit crime show ' True Detective ' into the crowded drama field .

  5. 演员阵容群星荟萃,最新获得奥斯卡奖,在《达拉斯买家俱乐部》(DallasBuyersClub)和《真探》(TrueDetective)中出演主角的马修·麦康纳(MatthewMcConaughey)饰演库珀(Cooper),这个农夫兼飞行员的身上担负着人类的未来;

    The starry cast features the newly minted Academy Award winner Matthew McConaughey ( " Dallas Buyers Club , " " True Detective " ) as Cooper , a farmer and pilot tasked with ensuring humanity 's future ;

  6. 迄今为止,HBO的这次押注获得了《真探》12项提名的回报,其中包括两位主演麦康纳(MatthewMcConaughey)和哈里森(WoodyHarrelson)的提名。

    So far , HBO 's gamble has been rewarded with 12 nominations for ' True Detective , ' including nominations for both lead actors , Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson .

  7. 当中介最多只能提成客户收入的20%,而独立制作电视剧,使他们在价值链中获得了比单纯充当中介更多的利益,比如Anonymous制作了近期最好看的破案类美剧《真探》(TrueDetective)。

    By originating shows - as Anonymous did with True Detective , perhaps the best US crime drama of recent times - they capture more of the value chain than simply acting as intermediaries , taking up to 20 per cent of their client 's earnings .

  8. HBO的《真探》在第一季中显示出一个具有凝聚力的编导团队在伍迪•哈勒尔森(WoodyHarrelson)和马修•麦康纳(MatthewMcConaughey)的帮助下,能够实现怎样的成就。

    In its first season of the anthology series , HBO 's ' True Detective ' showed what a cohesive writing-directing team can accomplish-with the help of Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey ,

  9. 最佳电视电影或迷你剧:《冰血暴》,FX;《疑踪》,Starz;《平常的心》,HBO;《奥利芙·基特里奇》(OliveKitteridge),HBO;《真探》,HBO

    Best Television Movie or Mini-series " Fargo " ( FX ) " The Missing " ( Starz ) " The Normal Heart " ( HBO ) " Olive Kitteridge " ( HBO ) " True Detective " ( HBO )

  10. 导演凯瑞·福永(曾执导《无境之兽》和《真探》)是拍摄动作片和异域风情片的高手。

    The director , Cary Joji Fukunaga ( Beasts of No Nation , True Detective ) , is a master of action sequences and exotic locations .

  11. 在《绝命毒师》里,我们看到卑微的失败者摇身一变,成了一个地地道道的卑鄙恶人。在《真探》中,我们看到整个地区都被犯罪的黑暗笼罩。

    In Breaking Bad we watch as a humble underdog transforms into a truly despicable evil , and in True Detective we watch as an entire region is folded into a criminal darkness .

  12. 其中,既有在美剧《真探》中大放光彩的马修•麦康纳与伍迪•哈里森,也有在《纸牌屋》中玩转“孙子兵法”的凯文•史派西,还有在《以法之名》里重新定义了“八面玲珑”的格伦•克洛斯。

    Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson shine in True Detective , Kevin Spacey channels Sun Tzu in House of Cards , and Glenn Close redefined the meaning of " shrewd " in Damages .

  13. 首先,博伊尔的狂乱不安的风格似乎一直都不适合007,而取代他的导演凯瑞·福永(《无境之兽》、《真探》)专拍热血动作片和跨国硬汉片。

    For one thing , Boyle 's frantic , fidgety style never seemed right for 007 , whereas the director who replaced him , Cary Joji Fukunaga ( Beasts of No Nation , True Detective ) , specialises in muscular action sequences and gritty international locations .

  14. 如果你真的是联邦探员。

    If you 're really a federal agent .