
  • 网络smallest element;least element;minimum element;Minimum Feature
  1. 对指派问题的解法&匈牙利法的现有解法进行改进,将最小元素法引入到匈牙利法中以减少某些不必要的步骤和繁琐的计算过程。

    In this paper the author amended the Hungarian method which brought out the answers of assignment problems , deflected the minimum element method into the Hungary Method in order to reduce some unnecessary steps and complicated computing process .

  2. 该算法在代价矩阵差额最大的行或列中优先寻找最小元素,符合全局优化思想。

    According to the idea of global optimization , this method precedently locates the least element that is in the row or the column of maximum difference in the cost matrix .

  3. 好、中、差果园叶片营养元素中,K元素是最小元素,K元素对树体的营养水平以及产量、质量影响很大。

    The study showed that K was the smallest element among leaves nutrient in the three levelsorchards , it exerted a great influence on nutrition yield and quality of a tree .

  4. 最小元素法的新应用&求解最大值问题

    New Application of the Method of Minimum Elements-solving Maximum Problem

  5. 服务结构&包含服务以及它在服务交互域中的关系最小元素集。

    Service structure-the minimal set of elements that constitute a service with its relationships in the service interaction realm .

  6. 该算法按分配问题的某一维向对应代价面(行、列)编号的不同次序,在满足可行性约束的条件下进行最小元素搜索,在全局范围内寻求分配问题的最优解。

    The new algorithm finds the elemet with minimum value according to the different order of the cost plane numbers under the feasible restraints to obtain the optimal solution in the global range .

  7. 该模型主要分为两个部分,对于线性函数部分,用运输问题的最小元素法给予求解,而对于非线性的部分,则用启发式算法经行优化求解。

    The model is divided into two parts , for some linear function , with the transport element method to give the minimum solution , while for non-linear part , with heuristic optimization solution through the line .

  8. 在显示屏上所显示图像的最小显示元素。

    The smallest display picture element on a video display screen .

  9. 好的,最小的元素到前面了。

    Smallest element at the front .

  10. 提出了1种更为简便、快捷的方法即最小0元素消耗数方法来确定0元素的最大分配。

    The method , called the Least Zero Consumption Method , is simple , practical , and efficient .

  11. 电脑屏幕上最小的元素就是像素,正如物体的最小元素是原子一样。

    The minimal unit of the screen is the pixel , just like everything is consisted of atoms .

  12. 科学家在人的一根头发上刻出了他们相信是世界上最小的元素周期表。

    Scientists have written what they believe is the world 's smallest periodic table-on a strand of human hair .

  13. 这与选择排序是相反的,在选择排序中你需要一次又一次地,找出最小的元素。

    And this is in contrast to Selection Sort where you 're fishing again and again for the then smallest element .

  14. 进而利用此表达式,导出了通解集做为一个矩阵集与任意给定矩阵的最小距离元素。

    Moreover , the expression of the optimal approximate solution to a given matrix is also derived in the corresponding solution set .

  15. 设计目标的范围可以从解决最显着的个别问题,最小的元素,最全面的有影响力的乌托邦式的目标。

    A design goal may range from solving the least significant individual problem of the smallest element to the most holistic influential utopian goals .

  16. 通过对电子病历第一层模板进行加工,最小数据元素集组成了电子病案的第二层模板。

    By processing the EMR template of the first level , a set of minimal data elements ( MDE ) constitutes the EMR template of the second level .

  17. 是在遍历列表,找列表后端最小的元素,跟踪它从哪里来的,然后同当前点的元素交换,明白了么?

    It 's walking along the list looking for the smallest thing in the back end of the list , keeping track of where it came from and swapping it with that spot in the list .

  18. 本研究以最小数据元素形式拆分整篇病案,以树状结构形式定义病案最小数据元素的关联关系。提供多种树结构形式以体现病案元素之间多层次的生物医学信息的物理结构与意识结构。

    We split a patient record with the minimal data elements , defining the relationship between the elements with dynamic arbor structure in order to embody multi-levels bio-medical informatics physics structure and conscious structure in different special area and the individual varieties .

  19. 本课题以服装设计的最小语言&元素为切入点,以理论和实践并进的方式来研究滑雪服的设计。

    This topic take the minimum language unit of costume design & element as to correspond a point and research the design of skiing clothes with the way of integration between theory and practice .

  20. 最小的四个元素到前面了,你懂的。

    Smallest four elements at the front , you get the idea .

  21. 最小的三个元素到前面了。

    Smallest three elements at the front .