
  • 网络The last days;last day;The Final Days
  1. 在前苏联最后的日子里,米哈伊尔•戈尔巴乔夫(MikhailGorbachev)的一位副手曾这样请求他:放弃苏联的计划经济,像中国那样推行市场改革。

    In the last days of the Soviet Union , one of Mikhail Gorbachev 's lieutenants came to him with a plea : ditch the Soviet planned economy and open up to ­ market reforms as China had .

  2. 长则一年,短则24小时。但是我们总是很想知道这个即将离开人世的人是决定怎样度过他最后的日子的。

    Sometimes it was as long as a year ; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours , but always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours .

  3. 继续深入研究AnnaNicoleSmith最后的日子,今天,一场听证会在洛杉矶举行。

    the final days of Anna Nicole Smith , a hearing resumes in Los Angeles today .

  4. 在他最后的日子里,他女儿在旁照料。

    His daughter ministered to him in his last days .

  5. 这是我在这最后的日子里的阐述与安慰。

    This is my explanation and my comfort in these last days .

  6. 而这些救赎只有在最后的日子才会来临。

    Salvation that would only come at the end of the last days .

  7. 在他最后的日子里,乔布斯更加忠实于这一信念。

    In his final months , Mr. Jobs became even more dedicated to such sentiments .

  8. 一个虚构的最后的日子里。

    A fictional last few days .

  9. 6在他最后的日子里,吉米虽然很虚弱,但依旧情绪饱满。

    Although Jimmy was very weak in his last days , he was still in high spirits .

  10. 故事盘旋在爸爸的脑海中,支撑着爸爸渡过最后的日子。

    He had them to hold and roll over in his mind during his last days and months .

  11. 我看他是药石罔效,让他平静地过完最后的日子吧。

    In my opinion , no medicine is effective for him , let him pass his last days quietly 。

  12. 在他临死之前,他尝试想要回国度过最后的日子,但是被拒绝了。

    Before he died he had attempted to return to China for his final days , but was refused .

  13. 换言之,没有所谓最后的日子,这个世界可能永远也不会有65英寸平板电视。

    Without the last days , in other words , the world might never have had 65-inch flat-screen televisions .

  14. 在工厂最后的日子里,他们不得不花高价从亚洲空运原料,以满足客户急切的订单需求。

    By the end , the factory was having to fly in materials to fill urgent orders at great expense .

  15. 如果我们做不到,那么,我会尽量让我在最后的日子里活的更有意义。

    If I couldn 't do that , well , I 'd try to make my final days as meaningful as possible .

  16. 我只希望他能快乐地度过生命最后的日子,我会永远在他身边。

    I just hope he enjoys everyday of the rest of his life , and I will always be there for him .

  17. 无论如何,尽管经常有时空错乱(抱歉猎狐犬最后的日子),也许米勒这次值得信任。

    However , despite having Chronic Backstabbing Disorder ( sorry Last Days of FOXHOUND ), perhaps Miller is to be trusted for once .

  18. 如果我知道那段日子是父亲最后的日子,我应该要求和他一起去丹麦。

    If I knew these were to be Dad 's final days , I would have asked to go with him to Denmark .

  19. 但我们最关心的往往只是在于去揭晓这个注定要死的人选择怎么样渡过他最后的日子或者时光。

    But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours .

  20. 在华盛顿最后的日子里,吉尔伯特·阿里纳斯经常产生争议,他总能引起媒体的关注。

    A guy who was no stranger to controversy during his final days in Washington , Gilbert Arenas always manages to stir up headlines .

  21. 在红色高棉军最后的日子里,还是孩童的他移民到了美国并进入了芝加哥艺术学院。

    A child during the final days of the Khmer Rouge , he emigrated to America and enrolled at the Art Institute of Chicago .

  22. 你可以通过摄入迫切需要的盐分来延长整个挨饿的阶段,不过无法否认的是,挨饿最后的日子会无比煎熬。

    You can prolong the starvation process by ingesting much-needed salt , but it 's hard to deny how miserable your final days would be .

  23. 但是他给了我回到那里的力量,给了我战斗着为我丈夫最后的日子尽可能好的力量。

    But he gave me the strength to go back in there and fight to make my husband 's last days the best they could be .

  24. 之后,当大名最后的日子即将过去的时候,他将自己的孩子抱在胸口,以记住他们在一起的最后的时刻。

    Afterwards , as the Daimyo 's last day passed , he held the child against his heart in order to savor their last moments together .

  25. 同时我也很遗憾在你生命最后的日子里没有陪在你身边,甚至都没有和你道别。

    I am sorry that I wasn 't there for the last few days of your life . I 'm sorry that I never got to say goodbye .

  26. 在最后的日子里,你也将看见大师们的显现,他们将为了你将从事的量子跃迁而准备你。

    In the final days you will also see the Masters revealed , and they will prepare you for the quantum leap forward you are about to make .

  27. 我的思绪转到我的母亲和她最后的日子,在癌症散布至她的身体后,很明显她的日子不多了。

    My thoughts turned to my mother and her final days , after cancer had spread through her body and it was clear that there was no coming back .

  28. 所以如果你现在在那儿又刚好病入膏肓的话,那么你将会被飞机遣送回大陆,而在大陆上你可以安全的度过你最后的日子而不用被逮捕。

    so if you fall gravely ill there now , you will be hastily dispatched by plane to the mainland , where you can end your days without getting arrested .

  29. 洛蒂《北京最后的日子》就是异域风物的陌生化完全将主体的感知能力屏蔽掉的结果。

    Loti , " the final days of Beijing " is a foreign land full of folk music will be unfamiliar with the perceived ability of the main result of shielding out .

  30. 喜剧演员乔治·西蒙斯(亚当·桑德勒饰)被诊断出癌症晚期。他身边有一群积极上进的年轻人,一直在鼓励他勇敢面对最后的日子。

    When comedian George Simmons ( Adam Sandler ) is diagnosed with terminal cancer , he surrounds himself with a group of young up-and-comers to help inspire his final round of stand-up material .