
  1. 最好的我们结果将是与一位有吸引力的人一起回来。

    The best result for us would be to come back with a draw .

  2. 像许许多多英勇警员一样,他们代表了最好的我们。

    They , like so many other courageous police officers , represent the very best of us .

  3. 每个人都有自己特殊的技能和兴趣,并且只能发现我们做的最好的我们才能达到自己的目标进而与众不同。

    Everyone has his or her special skills and interests , and only by discovering what we do best , can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference .

  4. 我不知道…你知道吗他特别棒是的他是最好的我们在一起很开心一起玩扔棍子一起散步一起小憩我们都超爱睡觉

    I don 't know ... But do you know what ? He was so cool . Ya , he was the best . And we had fun . We play fetch ! We go for walks ! We take naps . We are both big nappers .

  5. 葡萄酒不是出自名门世家的才是最好的,我们为的是寻找一些积极向上、充满激情的法国AOC葡萄酒而来。

    Not all the best wines are produced by the gentlefolk , and what we are search for is the France AOC wine which is full of vigorousness and passion .

  6. 她知道怎样才能最好的保护我们。

    She has to know how best to protect us .

  7. 他们看起来是最好的,我们公司雇佣了他们。

    They seemed to be the best and our company hired them .

  8. 拿出你最好的裙子我们要去一个晚会。

    Get out your best dress & we are going to a party !

  9. 你不能说我们是最好的,我们的系统更优越。

    You can 't say we are the best , our systems are better .

  10. 我们不相信快速推入市场的产品是最好的,我们会继续致力于做这个领域最棒的产品。

    Thus we will continue to focus on working with this community to make the best products .

  11. 最好的乐器我们人人都有,时时携带,那就是人声。

    The best instrument is the one we all carry around all of the time-the human voice .

  12. 但是他是我们拥有最好的,我们很幸运能拥有他。

    But he 's the best we 've got , and we are lucky to have him .

  13. 时刻保持关注我们的业务将如何最好的为我们的客户提供价值。

    Keeping the focus on that is how our business can best deliver value to our clients .

  14. 我们相信,只有专注,才能提供最好的给我们最为尊贵的客户。

    We believe that only concentration can provide to our respectable clients with best products and service .

  15. 最好的朋友我们俩吗对听上去不错就这么办吧

    Best friend ? You and me ? Yes , that sounds nice . Let 's do this .

  16. 我们有世界最好的大学我们有开放公正的法律体系

    We have the best universities in the world we have a legal system that is open and fair .

  17. 这是最好的,我们作出彻底决裂,所以请不要尝试与我联系的。

    It 's best we make a clean break , so please don 't try to contact me at all .

  18. 我们正处于我们人类最好的,我们的头脑跳舞,当有两个以上的选择。

    We are at our human finest , dancing with our minds , when there are more choices than two .

  19. 她是我最好的朋友我们是你的超级粉丝我们真的是每一天都有看你的节目

    She 's my best friend and we 're huge fans of yours , We literally do watch your show every single day .

  20. 我国男女制服是最好的,我们国家已经提出,我们有责任、荣誉和支持。

    Our men and women in uniform are the best that our nation has to offer , and we have a duty to honor and support them .

  21. 让我们都生活在和平的世界里。我只是希望你是最好的,我们都有自己的命运和幸运,而那也正是我们应该为之努力的。

    Let 's live in peace guys * I only wish you the best * We have our own luck and destiny and that 's what we should be working hard at .

  22. 我们在研究,软件,市场和设计方面的能力是世界最好的,我们在移动通讯,数码电视和半导体设计方面也处于领先地位。

    Our skills in research , software , marketing and design are the best in the world . And we are well ahead in areas like mobile communications and digital TV and in areas like semiconductor design .

  23. 最好的希望是我们能争取到国际上的支持,然后采取行动。

    The best hope is that we will mobilize international support and get down to action

  24. 她是我们最好的球员,我们队离不开她。

    She is our best player , who is integral to our team .

  25. 如果你的产品想在全球范围内宣传,F1比赛仍然是最好的选择,我们一定能够记住的。

    If you have a global product that you want to advertise , it 's still the best , and we gotta remember that .

  26. RonKirby:“我们大多数人都觉得政府没有为我们做出最好的决定。我们宁肯自己做决定。”那么,他们的决定是什么呢?

    RON KIRBY : " Most of us don 't feel that the government makes the best decisions for us . We make our own decisions . " So what might those be ?

  27. 《跨太平洋伙伴关系协议》(TPP)的出台历经五年的谈判是有原因的。我希望为美国的工人尽可能争取最好的协议。我们做到了。这一协议之所以重要,原因如下。

    There 's a reason this Trans-Pacific Partnership took five years to negotiate . I wanted to get the best possible deal for American workers.And that is what we 've done . Here 's why it matters .

  28. 他们曾派遣了一些最好的学生到我们这。

    And they 've sent us some of their best students .

  29. 祂是最好的牧者而我们是属祂的羊。

    He is the great shepherd and we are his sheep .

  30. 有一个最好的消息,我们有一个朋友,他是耶稣。

    One best news is that we have a friend in Jesus .