
  • 网络The Last Journey;The Last Voyage;The Last Ride
  1. 斯科特最后的旅程以他饥寒交迫地躺在帐篷里奄奄一息告终。这引发了全世界的想象,有一部为他拍摄的电影也吸引了很多人。

    Scott 's last journey , completed as he lay in a tent dying of cold and hunger , caught the world 's imagination , and a film made in his honor drew crowds .

  2. 很快他们就会结束最后的旅程了。

    Soon they would be ending their journey together .

  3. 这是阿尔温安多米尔最后的旅程。

    The last journey of Arwen undomiel .

  4. 人们认为这条船是胡夫被葬入金字塔前用来搬运其尸体的,他在里面完成了人世最后的旅程。

    The boat is believed to have been used to carry the body of Khufu in his last journey on earth before being buried inside the pyramid .

  5. 那时,你我或许白发苍苍,那个年龄,我们只能握握手,说说话,然后,挥挥手,重又踏上彼此最后的旅程。

    At that time , you and I may be white-haired , that age , we can only shake hands and speak , and then waved to each other again set foot on the final journey .

  6. 事实上,这是泰米尔号最后的一次旅程。

    It 's in fact taking the Temeraire on its last journey .

  7. 尽管如此,他依旧没有取消他最后一天的旅程。

    But he did cancel the last day of the trip .