
guān jiàn mǎ
  • key
关键码[guān jiàn mǎ]
  1. 程序状态字关键码处理

    Program status word key handling

  2. 一般的数据库,例如一家公司的一组雇员或者顾客记录,可能包含多个检索关键码。

    A typical database , such as a collection of employee or customer records maintained by a business , may contain multiple search keys .

  3. 矢量量化(Vectorquantization)是一种重要的数据编码方法,其关键是码本设计和检索方法。

    Vector quantization ( VQ ) is an important method for data compression .

  4. 本文提出一种利用硅基微环线形滤波功能的全光超高速开关键控码型(OOK)到相位键控码型(PSK)的格式转换方案。

    A scheme to achieve ultrahigh speed all-optical format conversion from on-off keying ( OOK ) to phase-shift keying ( PSK ) by using the linear filtering in the silicon ring resonators is proposed .

  5. 算法的关键是根据码速的实时变化,动态计算三种间隔信号时间长度的界定值。

    The core of the algorithm is calculating the threshold values of the 3 kinds of gap signals dynamically , according to the real-time code-speed .

  6. 接着在此基础上,详细介绍了矢量量化的三大关键技术&码书设计、码字搜索和码字索引分配,并分别对这三部分的发展现状加以详细叙述。

    Then it continues to give a detailed description of the three key technologies : Codebook Design , Codewords search , Indexes Assignment and their development statuses .

  7. 然后根据系统的需求,对系统的总体框架、业务流程、主要功能模块和安全性进行设计,并对系统开发中使用的关键技术二维码编码解码和地理定位技术进行了研究。

    Secondly , according to the requirement of the system , we design the system overall framework , business process , main functional modules and the safety .

  8. 传统的服装CAD点放码方法虽然易于理解,但是需要用户预先算出各个关键点的放码量并逐个输入,操作量大且容易出错。

    Traditional garment CAD-point grading approach is easy to understand , but requires the user to pre-calculate all the key points of the grading , and input them one by one , with large operation and prone to error .

  9. 对于TDD-CDMA移动通信系统,扩频编码和纠错编码是不可或缺的关键技术,扩频码的性质对CDMA系统的抗干扰性能起着决定性的作用,而纠错编码则为数字信号的传输提供额外的保护。

    For TDD-CDMA system , spreading codes and error correcting codes play very important role , where the correlation properties of spreading codes is essential for reducing various interference , and error correcting codes offer extra protection for digital signal transmission .

  10. 但是,该方法的关键是寻求循环码的一个覆盖多项式集合。

    The key point of this method is to find a set of covering polynomials .

  11. 此方法与传统放码相比,避免了手工输入各个关键点的放码量,从而提高了执行效率。

    Compared with other traditional grading methods , this method has higher work efficiency due to avoiding the manul input of the grade rules .

  12. 作为相干光通信系统中的关键技术,调制码型技术和偏振控制技术与系统的性能密切相关。

    The multi-level modulation formats and polarization control , which are key techniques in the coherent optical communication system , relate firmly to the system performance .

  13. 矢量量化主要包括三大关键技术,即码书设计算法、码字搜索算法以及码字索引分配算法,其中最重要的是码书设计算法,这是关乎整个矢量量化器设计成功与否的关键所在。

    There are three key techniques in VQ : codebook design , codeword search and codeword index assignment . The codebook design is the most important among those techniques and has great influence on the performance of VQ .