
  • 网络key details
  1. 有时候很难想起您将关键细节写在了哪里。

    And sometimes it 's hard to remember where you wrote down key details .

  2. 虽然通过模型简化可解决实时性的问题,但简化过程往往也会去掉一些软组织的关键细节,影响了系统的仿真度。

    To solve the real-time problem , simplifying the models is proved to be an efficient method , but the reduction process would also remove some key details on soft tissue and degrades performance in virtual surgery systems .

  3. 如果您正在使用inetd,那么配置过程类似于xinetd,但有几个关键细节不同。

    If you 're using inetd , the configuration process is similar to that for xinetd , but several critical details differ .

  4. 经验研究中的关键细节

    Key Issues in Empirical Studies

  5. 行动的关键细节包括对下段食道慷慨切开,扩大和胃壁上。

    Critical details of the operation include a generous myotomy of the lower esophagus , extending well onto the gastric wall .

  6. 就许多关键细节和需要持续多年的行动而言,冠冕堂皇的言辞和真实的环境安全之间是存在区别的。

    There are many crucial details and years of action that will make the difference between mere rhetoric and true climate safety .

  7. 综合考虑了色彩层次感和关键细节的要求,并且可以根据具体色彩量化任务的要求,对它们的偏重性做出调整,以得到最满意的量化结果。

    This algorithm also can modify the weights of layers and details according to different request of quantization task and obtain the most satisfying result .

  8. 但是,就联合政府如何操作的一些关键细节还没有达成一致意见,这些细节包括总理拥有的确切权力、两党如何分享内阁职位以及如果联合政府失败了怎么办等。

    These include the precise powers of the prime minister , how the cabinet positions will be divided between the parties , and what happens if the coalition collapses .

  9. 原始的版本看上去简单明了,但仔细一看,客户可能会有权获得退款这个关键细节在这个版本的行文中毫不起眼。

    The original letter looks brief and to the point , but on closer inspection it buries the key detail : the customer may be entitled to a refund .

  10. 实地调查可以帮助设计团队完全深入到用户所处的环境,从而获得一些其他途径无法得到的关键细节。

    Field studies get the team immersed in the environment of their users and allow them to observe critical details for which there is no other way of discovering .

  11. 在对业务选择网关系统结构进行分析的基础上,提出负载均衡实现策略并对实现中的关键细节进行阐述。

    With analyzing of the system architecture of SSG , the implementation of load-balancing module is presented , and key parts in the module are also described in this paper .

  12. 解决合作上的关键细节问题,仍需进行艰巨的工作,包括如何分割资源、应优先供应哪方市场等潜在棘手问题。

    Hard work will still be required to settle crucial details of co-operation , including potentially thorny issues of how to divide resources , and which markets should have priority .

  13. 虽然奥巴马政府已经公布了改革白皮书,但该文件在多数关键细节上含糊其辞;改革计划的现实意义何在,可能至少需要数月才能理清。

    Though the Obama administration unveiled its white paper on reform last week , that paper was vague on most crucial details and the practical implications are likely to take months at best to be sorted out .

  14. 之前,《华盛顿邮报》的报道动摇了那位指控者叙述中的一些关键细节,兄弟会的一些当事人也作出了反驳,鉴于此,该杂志在上周五发表了一封致读者信,声称对那篇文章的态度有所保留。

    Faced with reporting in The Washington Post that appeared to undermine crucial details of the accuser 's account , and a rebuttal of some aspects from the fraternity , the magazine published a note to readers on Friday saying that it had reservations about the article .

  15. 文章详细介绍了系统需求分析、系统整体设计方案和设计细节。对一些系统实现的关键技术细节,主要针对系统利用Page页基类扩展技术、系统的安全性设计和系统性能优化做了详细的阐述。

    The thesis introduces need analysis , overall design project and some details of the cooperative management and explains in detail the technique aimed at the extended technology of Page base class , system safety and system performance optimization .

  16. 虚拟现实的真实感限时图形生成中加速技术十分关键,细节层次模型(LOD)在实时绘制复杂场景中得到了广泛应用。

    3D acceleration of real time graphics rendering is very important in virtual reality applications . Levels of Detail ( LOD ) are used in most complex rendering system .

  17. 而你错过的细节或许正是关键的细节。

    And the bits you miss might be the bits that matter .

  18. 专车专用:关键在细节&乐途锐志专用版H-2631车载导航娱乐

    Special car special use : key depends on detail

  19. 此次交易中的一个非常关键的细节。

    Of a very important factor in this transaction .

  20. 他在最后一刻改变关键的细节。

    At the last moment , he changed his mind on a decisive issue .

  21. 双方上周末加强了商讨力度,讨论了关键性细节。

    Discussions intensified at the weekend when the two sides talked about crucial details .

  22. 你得提醒他一些被忽视掉却十分关键的细节。

    Help him by pointing out details he might have missed but needs to know .

  23. 这个模板拥有一些变量来存储关键当事人细节,这些变量需要使用生成的种子数据来填充。

    This template had variables for key party details that needed to be filled in with generated seed-data .

  24. 她认为自杀是绝对不可能的。因为有一个关键的细节是一切难以置信。

    She now believes suicide is extremely unlikely because there is one critical detail that makes * It implausible .

  25. 儒家修身养性的思想令人钦佩,但它忽略了关键的细节人性。

    The Confucian ideal of self-cultivation is admirable , but it neglects the crucial detail known as human nature .

  26. 具体操作的过程中,一些关键的细节必须注意,以保证显示效果。

    Some key details are also pointed out for attention in the practice so as to guarantee the illustrative effects .

  27. 尽管我们必须对问题有整体认识,但大局通常依赖于关键的细节。

    Although it 's necessary to have an overview of the problem , the big picture often turns on one critical detail .

  28. 介绍指纹识别技术与数字编码相结合的方法:给出指纹编码电路中关键技术细节;

    The technology of fingerprint identification combined with decoding method is introduced . Also the key technology of encoding circuit is discussed in details .

  29. 本文着重讨论了光源、宝石在台面上的放置位置、接触液和远视技术等技术关键和细节。

    It is mainly discussed that the technical details and keys to ligh source Position on gem on stand surface , contact liquid and lester B.

  30. 本论文对于系统设计的思想和具体实现过程中的关键技术细节进行了详细的介绍,对于所使用的新技术进行了具体的说明,并论述实际应用中各种可能出现的问题和有效解决方法。

    We also show the new technology details of the system design and all the problems which ones may encounter and the effective solving methods .